Today's Evil Beet Gossip

ProjRun is Totally Willing to Lower Their Standards

heidi_wet.jpg Remember how no one showed up to the first round of Project Runway auditions in LA? The production company figures, I suppose, that is was just a bad weekend for designers? Maybe it rained the whole weekend? (It didn't.) At any rate, they're giving it another go: TODAY. So get your butt downtown! This showed up on Bravo's website: LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Due to the overwhelming response an additional half-day has been added! Friday, April 13 12pm to 6pm 453 South Spring Street, 7th ...

Can We Please Be Done with Anna Nicole Soon?

birkhead1.jpg It hurts. Oh, God, it hurts so bad. I feel like I'm limping, crawling, dragging myself toward the mythical Anna Nicole Finish Line, and every time it's in sight I blink, and it was just a mirage. When will this be over? When? Mommy, make it stop. The Virgie Arthur custody battle took place today in the Bahamas. You know when you're in a really long work meeting that just keeps dragging on and that one annoying person in the room keeps asking stupid question after stupid question and final...

Courtney Love Should Have Been a Journalist

courtney-love-bikini.jpg She missed her calling. Her true genius lies in the written word. Responding to reports that she had gastric bypass surgery, Courtney responds, and I quote: oh perez got it from pge six nd ots bullshit i couldnt get that suregry iof i begged for it FDA says you have to have a BMI of above 40 and that equals at least being 100 pounds overweight at least other wsie its ILLEGAL. I know spmeone who troed to get that shit and no dr would give it to her an dhse was pudgier than i was, its total utter shite, i lost weightthe hard way and pe...


joe1.jpg I've wondered time and time again how someone like Joe Francis sleeps at night. I guess I have my answer now: Lunesta. When I heard Francis got his ass caught with drugs in prison -- the guards became suspicious after he tried to bribe one of them for a bottle of water -- I wondered what it was he had smuggled in. What pill could be worth that risk? Lunesta, it turns out, and anti-anxiety med Lorazepam. There were 16 different pills in all. Turns out tough guy Joe was scared he wouldn't get h...

Really, Kato, Thanks for Taking the Time to Walk the Carpet

kato2.jpg We know you have a lot going on these days, and you must be so tired of paparazzi constantly prying into your private life. You just want to be off the radar for a little while, you just want to get inside to enjoy the party, we understand that, but it's really important to our editors that we get one or two good pictures of Kato Kaelin tonight. You don't have to answer questions if you don't want to. This'll just take a second. Please, Kato, we're begging you. Just go ahead and stand in fr...

Jimmy Kimmel: Still Retarded

jimmy_kimmel.jpg Via Page Six: JIMMY Kimmel sounded smug when he guest-hosted "Larry King Live" and told editor Emily Gould he "doesn't know anyone who would advertise on Web sites like hers." It turns out Kimmel's own show, "Jimmy Kimmel Live," buys ad space on three blogs similar to Gawker - A Socialite's Life, Egotastic and The Superficial. Now Kim mel's backtracked, tell ing The Post's Mari anne Garvey, "Larry's suspenders were very tight on me, so I didn't complete my sentence. I have nothi...

Halle Berry’s Tarnished Star

halleberry.jpg Everyone who heard Halle Berry just got a star said the same thing "How did she not have a star?? She's an Oscar winner!" And they would be spot on except for one thing: The Hollywood Walk of Fame has very little to do with fame or merit. You see, like everything else in Hollywood, it's for sale. I've known this for awhile but people are always freshly surprised when I break the news that you buy your star when you need some pub (like Halle REALLY needs for the crappy Perfect Stranger flick)...

Sarah Silverman

sarahsilverman.jpg Just because. Also, for the record, I gotta disagree with my sis' EvilT on the whole Imus thing. I'm not really going to get into it but I'll throw Sarah Silverman up there as an example of my point. She says the most offensive things and it's plain old hilarious. I Love her. And so does Jimmy Kimmel. For better or worse, Imus was trying to be funny. He may not be funny, but it's always odd who we decide to be moral arbiters on. I call people names and ridicule all day long. Probably my low...

Justin Chambers Should Sleep More Often

justin_chambers.jpg I mean, in general, when you've been chosen to host the opening of a New York night club (Triumph, in this case), it's advisable to do a little more than roll out of bed and put on a jacket. You could, I don't know, wear an undershirt that covers your entire chest, for instance. It's a starting point. Mostly, though, get some rest, darling, and try not to look so unhappy to be there. It's not like you're Isaiah Washington hosting a gala at The Abbey. ...

Late-Night Links

Justin Timberlake admits that he did call Britney, because he was worried about her, and because he's never done it with a bald chick before. [MM]

Jessica Simpson's camel toe makes its triumphant return to the spotlight. [Buzznet]

The American Idol sex tape has a release date. [Ninja Dude]

Gwen Stefani in Harper's Bazaar. [ICYDK]

Britney's hitting the Red Bull hard. [IBBB]

Ian Ziering won't pose for Playgirl. I guess we're supposed to be disappointed. [Glitterati]

Marc Anthony didn't pay his taxes. [Cele|bitchy]

Kylie Minogue looks freakish. [Grumpiest]

Check out the tattoed granny. [popbytes]

I promise you Bar Rafaeli is every bit as pregnant as Leonardo DiCaprio is. [Celebslam]

Snoop Dogg weighs in on the Don Imus insanity. [Bossip]

Hef's girlfriend Holly gets naked for PETA. [Celebrity Smack]

/>Justin Timberlake admits that he did call Britney, because he was worried about her, and because he's never done it with a bald chick before. [MM] Jessica Simpson's camel toe makes its triumphant return to the spotlight. [Buzznet] The American Idol sex tape has a release date. [Ninja Dude] Gwen Stefani in Harper's Bazaar. [ICYDK] Britney's hitting the Red Bull hard. [IBBB] Ian Ziering won't pose for Playgirl. I guess we're supposed to be disappointed. [Glitterati] Marc Anthony didn'...