Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Madonna’s Back in Malawi

madge_lourdes2.jpg When Her Madgesty touched down in Malawi today, along with 18-month-old David Banda, whom she adopted from the country, and daughter Lourdes, it set off rumors of another adoption. Not true, says Madonna's camp. Her publicist stated that she was in the area "overseeing the building of a children's health-care center. She is absolutely not adopting another baby." Other sources indicate that Madonna is there to film a documentary about Malawi. While no itinerary has been released, Madonna spent her first day in the coun...

Our Condolences

Breaking news is that 20 students have been fatally shot at Virginia Tech. They have locked down their classrooms and cancelled all classes. For more information please click here. The students and faculty of Virginia Tech our in our prayers. Evidently more information can be found on the Virginia Tech website but it isn't loading at this time. Update: This is the deadliest campus shooting in United States history. Ed Update: It'll probably wind up being the deadliest mass shooting in all of U.S. history. The White House's response to this? “The president believes that there is a right for people to bear arms, but that all laws must be followed.” I mean, it's way sad that all these people are dead and shit, but, like, before we get carried away here, let's be clear on the fact that this should in no way open up a national discussion on gun control. Just so we're all clear. K? K. />Breaking news is that 20 students have been fatally shot at Virginia Tech. They have locked down their classrooms and cancelled all classes. For more information please click here. The students and faculty of Virginia Tech our in our prayers. Evidently more information can be found on the Virginia Tech website but it isn't loading at this time. Update: This is the deadliest campus shooting in United States history. Ed Update: It'll probably wind up being the deadliest mass shooting i...

Great Headline of the Day

imus.jpg Here you go: Imus' firing leaves doubts about Imus Ranch for cancer-stricken kids I think I speak for us all when I say justice has finally been served. A quote near the end of the article clearly and concisely sums up this whole debacle: "Sometimes he was kind of funny, and sometimes he would say things he shouldn't say," said Lovato, downing a hamburger in La Risa Cafe. "I really don't think he's a good person." Amen to that....

Spider-Man 3!

It's the world premiere and I've got the pictures to prove it. First up, My girl, Kirsten Dunst. Sigh. For some odd reason I just adore her.. I know others don't share my sentiments but they don't know her like I do. dunst.jpgIt's the world premiere and I've got the pictures to prove it. First up, My girl, Kirsten Dunst. Sigh. For some odd reason I just adore her.. I know others don't share my sentiments but they don't know her like I do. 4 more pics after the break you cretins! Read More...

Yes, We Do Realize That Our New Background Is the Cutest Thing Ever

You don't have to remind us. Thanks to Beet reader Quinn for this photo of a pig sucking face with a young boy whose relation to Quinn goes unmentioned in the email submission. Truly, I hope this child is Quinn's son or nephew or, at the very least, the child of a close friend, because I shudder to imagine the keywords one must type into Google to arrive at such imagery through less traditional, or socially acceptable, means. If you have a super duper awesome image you want to see as our background, check out the rules here. />You don't have to remind us. Thanks to Beet reader Quinn for this photo of a pig sucking face with a young boy whose relation to Quinn goes unmentioned in the email submission. Truly, I hope this child is Quinn's son or nephew or, at the very least, the child of a close friend, because I shudder to imagine the keywords one must type into Google to arrive at such imagery through less traditional, or socially acceptable, means. If you have a super duper awesome image you want to see as our background,...

Late-Night Links

Hilary Duff's back on speaking terms with Joel Madden. Nicole Richie, not so much. [Gabby Babble]

Avril does Saturday Night Live. [Ninja Dude]

Jake Gyllenhaal plants a wet one on Jennifer Aniston. [Agent Bedhead]

Paris Bennett might just be a little tiny bit bitter with American Idol. [POTP]

Perry the manny is cheating on Britney with Paris. [INO]

The Jolie-Pitts make time for ice cream. [ICYDK]

Lance Bass's ex-boyfriend shows up at the GLAAD Media Awards with some no-name who I really, really hope is a straight guy he hired for the night. Because, um, I want to go steady with him. [DListed]

/>Hilary Duff's back on speaking terms with Joel Madden. Nicole Richie, not so much. [Gabby Babble] Avril does Saturday Night Live. [Ninja Dude] Jake Gyllenhaal plants a wet one on Jennifer Aniston. [Agent Bedhead] Paris Bennett might just be a little tiny bit bitter with American Idol. [POTP] Perry the manny is cheating on Britney with Paris. [INO] The Jolie-Pitts make time for ice cream. [ICYDK] Lance Bass's ex-boyfriend shows up at the GLAAD Media Awards with some no-name who I really, real...

Bitter…Party of One

l_63e96cc64181a465648223b0f386fe66.jpg Who knew that little Paris Bennet was so bitter at losing American Idol. According to TMZ, Paris has evidently decided to support Sanjaya to prove that "American Idol" is a joke. Paris called into a Minneapolis radio show, the "Tone E Fly Morning Show," to let the world know really what she thinks about Idol. "We want to see him [Sanjaya] win because it'll kind of prove that 'American Idol' is kind of losing its taste," says Bennett, "it kinda isn't going for talent anymore and more for populari...

Katie and Peter

wedding_1.jpg Who are Katie Price (aka Jordan) and Peter Andre? They are "stars" in the UK who have decided to bring their reality show to the US. While living in London I saw how obsessive the press is about Jordan and her gigantic fake breasts. They released a really bad version of "A Whole New World" and had the ugliest wedding I've ever seen (see above photo). They also are a bit sassy about Posh and Becks. When asked about the soccer power couple Katie/Jordan attempted to pretend that she wasn't really...