Paris, darling, do you need attention? Is that why you showed up at Jason Strauss’s birthday party at TAO last night? For the Kevin Federline photo op? Just in case the stake hasn’t been driven all the way through Britney’s heart? Just grind it in that last inch or so … and take your new boyfriend along, too, just to remind the world that you can have it all. Everything but self respect, my darling. Everything but that.
Ohhhh DANG, that’s low!
seriously, though, that’s a good photo. It’s… accurate. Picture being Britney and looking at that. You’d think they were a**holes and everything, but you’d still think, “damn. That looks just like them.”
Britney’s probably laughing out loud saying.. “Oh hey, Paris is gonna make him pay.. oh yeah and probably take the few dollars I threw his way which he could have used for the medical emergancy he is soon going to have to take care of,.. heh heh.”