Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Late-Night Links

Danny Glover turns the Lethal Weapon of his fist on the paparazzi. HA HA HA! I’m sorry, I tried forever to make a Mel Gibson-related joke here and came up empty. I’m going on two hours of sleep, people… [The Blemish]

How many Polish researchers does it take to determine that Naomi Campbell is, scientifically, physically perfect? I don’t know the answer, but I’m guessing they were all male. [Agent Bedhead]

Leonardo DiCaprio’s presence in Israel makes Judeo-Muslim conflict look like a pillow fight. [Ninja Dude]

Pam and Tommy will never be over. [Gabsmash]

Check out the trailer for Grindhouse. [popbytes]

Donald Trump gives the folks at The Insider the sound bite they’re paying him for. [POTP]

The British government continues to allow Kate Moss to raise a child. [Celebslam]

How Lindsay Lohan still has a drivers license is one of the great mysteries of our generation. [GTS]

Tori Spelling pops out Liam Aaron McDermott. [PopSugar]

Avril Lavigne spits on people all the time, guys. Why is it suddenly such a big deal? [Allie]