Everyone in Hollywood smokes weed. Hurry up and call your local D.A.R.E. rep. [Cele|bitchy] Britney, on the other hand, likes coke and E, and has for a very long time, as everyone and their brother is rushing to report now. I've been hearing Britney Spears cocaine stories from reputable sources for years now, but somehow none of this stuff managed to make it into the press until the girl checked into rehab. [Celebrity Smack] There are new pics of Britney Spears in rehab on the Internet. I'm not going to link to them, because I think it's real freakin' ballsy of these photo agencies to publish pictures of her with her fellow rehabbers. Britney signed over her right to anonymity a long time ago, but that's not true of everyone at Promises. But if you poke around a little, you'll run into them. Tyra Banks cops a Kat Mc-Feel. Wow. Sometimes I feel crushed under the weight of my own comedic genius. [Ninja Dude] A very cool look at this year's Oscar dresses back when they were on the runway. [Allie Is Wired] The top three Dumb Ryan Seacrest Moments from the Oscars. [FishbowlLA] A pre-Oscar photo essay. The streets of LA prepare for the onslaught! [LAist]Here at T's Favorite's for Oscar Gowns:
1) Penelope Cruz- Her strapless Versace dress took my breath away every time the camera panned to her. The pale pink looked gorgeous against her skin and it made a bold statement without looking like she should be standing on a wedding cake. She accented the dress with perfect hair and was luminous tonight.
2) Cate Blanchett- This dress was one of my favorites because it really captured what the Oscars are all about...sparkle sparkle sparkle!!! This Gior...