Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Antonella Barba Sucks Cock

Re-read the headline. It’s a statement I would have made and stood by regardless, but I would have meant it in regards to her vocal ability. How that little hooker squeaked through last night is a mystery to me, but I actually don’t mind if shit like this is going to keep popping up, because it cracks me up. Someone emailed the kids at IDLYITW with these photos. Is this Antonella? You make the call. I’ve posted her AmIdol publicity shot, and these pictures of a very similar-looking young woman performing fellatio on a man who might want to think about doing some sit-ups. It sure does look like her, buck teeth and all.

Perhaps the new Idol Camp could add a “Masters Class” on this shit.

Update: Uncensored versions now here.

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