Just the most heartbreaking news about an actress with a tremendous future in the arts.
Laurel Griggs, a 13-year-old actress known for numerous Broadway roles, died unexpectedly last Tuesday. Griggs’s grandfather, David Rivlin, confirmed the cause of death on his Facebook page writing, “My beautiful and talented granddaughter, Laurel Griggs, has passed away suddenly from a massive asthma attack.” It was reported by Page Six that Griggs died at her family’s home in New York City, and that she took medication for the condition.
Word is she had an attack at home and her father immediately called for help.
“My wife noticed that she was having trouble breathing, and she turned to me, and she said, ‘Andy, get her to the hospital right away,’ ” her father said.
Cops tried to save the teen by performing CPR in a police vehicle as they rushed her to Mount Sinai Hospital, but she died four hours later, authorities said.
I can’t imagine the agony of watching your child gasp for air.
People hate when someone offers thoughts and prayers, but it simply means you will be thinking of them. You see them and their pain and acknowledge it. Believe it or not, that is very helpful to people greaving.
I can’t stop thinking about this family and their pain.
Andy and Elizabeth Griggs remember their daughter, Laurel, at a gathering on Sunday.