Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Michelle Williams Stuns with Resemblance to Marilyn Monroe

A photo of Michelle Williams on the cover of Vogue's October issue Michelle Williams, dolled up as iconic, tragic bombshell Marilyn Monroe, graces the pages of the October issue of Vogue, out next Tuesday. (Famed photographer Annie Leibovitz is behind the lens.) This isn't the first time Williams has posed as Marilyn: she appeared in a haunting promo shot for her upcoming role in the movie My Week with Marilyn. In the Vogue interview, pin-thin Williams admits she tried to gain weight for the part. "Unfortunately, it went right to my face," she explains. "So a...

Kirsten Dunst Does the Cover of ‘Wonderland’

A photo of Kirsten Dunst with a cropped 'do on the cover of 'Wonderland' Kirsten Dunst has had kind of a weird career trajectory. In the 1990s she maintained this precocious, cherubic child-star vibe (à la Dakota/Elle Fanning), transitioned into making a few teen movies (Bring It On and Crazy/Beautiful, for instance), then started taking weirder, lower-profile roles (Marie Antoinette? Really?) even as she handled Mary Jane Watson duties in all three Spider-Man movies. After a seemingly interminable career hiatus, she managed to take the best actress award at Cannes...

New Photos of Frances Bean Are Haunting

Images removed by request How time flies! Little Frances Bean Cobain---beleaguered progeny of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love---is nearly 19 years old now, and she has blossomed into her own woman. She recently posed for French fashion designer and photographer Hedi Slimane in a series of stirring black-and-white photographs: the effect is really marvelous, all collarbone and shoulders and sinews. Slimane also made heavy-handed use of a lot of "martyrdom" and "lost childhood" imagery (I included a couple here for flavor), but the real star here is Frances Bean. One caveat: if I could find a way, I would march up to my 19-year-old self and smack that life-ruining cancer stick right out from between her own two lips. Do you hear me, Frances Bean? Fine, I can see that you aren't listening. Carry on. Images removed by request />Images removed by request How time flies! Little Frances Bean Cobain---beleaguered progeny of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love---is nearly 19 years old now, and she has blossomed into her own woman. She recently posed for French fashion designer and photographer Hedi Slimane in a series of stirring black-and-white photographs: the effect is really marvelous, all collarbone and shoulders and sinews. Slimane also made heavy-handed use of a lot of "martyrdom" and "lost childhood" imagery (I included...

Love Liza

Liza, having a ciggie, sipping Coca-Cola through a straw Celeb fashion photographer Terry Richardson glammed up Liza Minnelli---the original Hot Mess, kiddies---for a new photo spread in Issue 6 of LOVE Magazine. Miss Minnelli is 65 damn years old, but she's still got the stems of Catherine Zeta-Jones, the clavicle of Lindsay Lohan, and the ferocity of Patti Smith. There's aging gracefully, and then there's aging LOUD. Do not go gentle! P.S. I did not initially catch that, in the photo up top, Liza is gussied up as a weary-eyed Statue of Liberty! Ge...

This is What Kim Kardashian Looks Like When She’s Wasted, You Guys

photos of recent kim kardashian hot pictures I wish that I was that purty whilst drunk. I'm one of those saggy-eyed, drooping-mouthed drunks that, while smiley as the day is long, is definitely not at her top form in appearance after imbibing on a few alcoholic beverages. Kim, however? Has got the doe-in-the-headlights look going on, and for that, she's even more endearing to me. I'd still totally go home with her and, hell, I'm straight. I think. In light of these intellectually provocative photos, I've decided to compile an equally-stimulati...

Love It or Leave It: Katy Perry’s Blue Dress

Katy Perry was snapped last night in Paris while making her way to dinner and I'm not too sure how I feel about the blue frock she was seen wearing last night. Part of me can see that it's pretty and that the simple cut is flattering to her figure, the other part of me wants to know why she's wearing the backdrop I had my second grade school picture taken in front of. Or a map of deep space. There's something very 90s about this fabric that's not sitting well with me. Am I crazy? [gallery]...

Can You Please Explain Britney’s Shirt To Me?

Hey, guys. I was just looking through the different photo agencies we use to find pictures for you guys and I spotted this album of Britney and her middle-aged boyfriend Jason shopping in Hawaii. The photo agency was trying to sell these as a like, "couple vacationing and doing normal things together"-type album, but here's what I can't stop thinking about when I look at them: What is going on with that chick's shirt? You guys know when you get one of those dry clean only dealies from a department store or whatever and you can't exactly figure out how it's supposed to lie flat on your body? Like maybe you're supposed to wrap a strap differently or it's on backwards or sideways? That's what it looks like Britney has going on here. Because I cannot imagine that in a million years anyone purposefully designed a shirt to look like the one on her does now. That shirt has an unflattering bib. No change in size or color would fix that. I'm wondering if she was supposed to twist the halter neck before she put it on or something. I can't get my head around the idea that someone would intentionally make a shirt that looks like that. It's like Jan Brady's home ec project. [gallery] />Hey, guys. I was just looking through the different photo agencies we use to find pictures for you guys and I spotted this album of Britney and her middle-aged boyfriend Jason shopping in Hawaii. The photo agency was trying to sell these as a like, "couple vacationing and doing normal things together"-type album, but here's what I can't stop thinking about when I look at them: What is going on with that chick's shirt? You guys know when you get one of those dry clean only dealies from a department...

What The Hell is Going On With Drew Barrymore and Justin Long?

Drew Barrymore and Justin Long at the Going the Distance Premiere So we heard a couple weeks ago that these two broke up. Now I'm reading that they're still totally together. Then there are these photos of the two of them promoting their new movie Going the Distance to over-analyze. Do they look uncomfortable?  What are they whispering to each other? If they are actually broken up, don't you think they're probably completely dying inside because they're contractually obligated to promote this movie together? Ugh! I wont be able to sleep until I know the truth! [gallery]...

Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens on Vaycay

Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens are still totally doing the whole, "He's straight and we're dating" thing. Jesus. How long have they been putting this on? Like four years now? Crazy. The "couple" is vacationing in Hawaii together and were snapped playing around on the beach yesterday. Hey, Zac. Nice hat. Did your boyfriend pick that out for ya? [gallery] />...

Red Carpet Photos of The Switch

I know it appears that I'm caving toward Jennifer Aniston by running the premiere photos of her latest romantic comedy, but I had to, guys. I absolutely had to. Juliette Lewis is in this movie -- you know, the Juliette Lewis that used to have eye-rolling, head-lolling, crazy-bitch sex with Brad Pitt back in the day -- and you know what? Juliette is looking good these days. Seriously, looking good. And of course, Jennifer Aniston was there, and she looked like Jennifer Aniston, a woman that I never have been, nor will ever be, excited about for any reason, but Jon Heder was there, too. Why? Who knows. But having Napoleon Dynamite at your movie's premiere is sure to bring the excitement, since the plot of the movie stinks (it's about a woman who decides to get pregnant via turkey baster, but finds out that the sperm donation has been 'switched' -- crafty how they did that). More guests of note in the photo gallery? Alexandra Ella, with a tiny, tiny head; Scott Elrod, who's barber missed a spot; Richard Portnow rocking turquoise Chucks; Ethan Suplee, who will always be remembered as the creepy goth dude in The Butterfly Effect, and various other photos of Jennifer Aniston looking all pouty because the male lead of the film (the cast member most likely to be the one that she's 'romantically linked' with) had the -- ugh -- audacity to show up at the event with his wife. [gallery] />I know it appears that I'm caving toward Jennifer Aniston by running the premiere photos of her latest romantic comedy, but I had to, guys. I absolutely had to. Juliette Lewis is in this movie -- you know, the Juliette Lewis that used to have eye-rolling, head-lolling, crazy-bitch sex with Brad Pitt back in the day -- and you know what? Juliette is looking good these days. Seriously, looking good. And of course, Jennifer Aniston was there, and she looked like Jennifer Aniston, a woman that I never have been, nor will ever be, excite...

Amy Poehler: Cool Mom

Everyone I know already worships Amy Poehler, but these photos give you another reason. This is Amy out in NYC today, carrying some groceries and entertaining the paparazzi shooting her with funny faces. The kind of remarkable thing about these photos is that homegirl just gave birth ten days ago to her second son, Abel James. She and her husband, Will Arnett, have another son at home, Archie, and you know that those boys are the luckiest kids ever. Amy's character in Mean Girls was totally accurate about her real life self, she is a cool mom. Also, I kind of like that she's not anorexic looking right after giving birth. Amy is naturally an extremely tiny person and to see that she's not one of those celebrities that slims down the second she leaves the hospital is kind of reassuring. You know, as a human. [gallery] />Everyone I know already worships Amy Poehler, but these photos give you another reason. This is Amy out in NYC today, carrying some groceries and entertaining the paparazzi shooting her with funny faces. The kind of remarkable thing about these photos is that homegirl just gave birth ten days ago to her second son, Abel James. She and her husband, Will Arnett, have another son at home, Archie, and you know that those boys are the luckiest kids ever. Amy's character in Mean Girls was totally accurate...