Four years after a series of troubling arrests and Twitter rants, Amanda Bynes is ready to talk about what happened.
"I'm really ashamed and embarrassed with the things I said," Bynes told Paper Magazine. "I can't turn back time but if I could, I would. And I'm so sorry to whoever I hurt and whoever I lied about because it truly eats away at me. It makes me feel so horrible and sick to my stomach and sad. Everything I worked my whole life to achieve, I kind of ruined it all through Twitter. It's d...
We first met him on the show "Head of the Class", but Dan Schneider went on to "discover" stars including Ariana Grande, Amanda Bynes, Jamie Lynn Spears, Kenan Thompson and Victoria Justice and creating hit shows including “iCarly,” “Drake & Josh,” “Victorious,” “Kenan & Kel” and “Henry Danger”.
And now he is out of Nickelodeon after two decades.
Social-media users have highlighted Schneider’s strange tendency to tweet pictures of the feet of his youn...
Back in 2012 Amanda Bynes was at the start of a terrible downward spiral. The girl made famous by her self titled 'The Amanda Show' on Nickelodeon was in every direction, throwing bongs out
windows, getting her license suspended and tweeting at Rihanna that “Chris brown beat you because you’re not pretty enough”.
She was finally hospitalized on an involuntary psychiatric holdin 2016, after setting fire to a driveway in the neighborhood she grew up in. The evaluation concluded that Am...
I've always said the best thing that could happen to Amanda Bynes is that she left showbiz altogether and faded into obscurity. Fame exacerbated her very serious mental health issues and nearly killed her, so homegirl had to take a serious step back so that she'd actually have a chance of living a somewhat normal life again. That seems to have (finally) happened, and Amanda, who's celebrating her 30th birthday on April 3, is "doing great."
"She is doing great. She is happy and healthy and ...
Amanda Bynes has had a rough go of things over the past few years, with several mental breakdowns, institutionalization, etc. It's been tough, but it does seem that she's gotten herself back on track again and she's ready to go back to school again. You probably remember that she enrolled at FIDM in Los Angeles — that's the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising — and she's ready to
Sources close to Amanda tell TMZ the actress started classes Thursday. We're told she's taking sketc...
Dancing with the Stars is one of the shittiest reality shows on TV - though, hey, at least it's consistent with its shittiness. It's boring, it's full of second-rate celebrities and it should really be taken off the air. But since it's not going anywhere and people seem to love it, we might as well embrace it. Especially since recent reports suggest that Amanda Bynes is going to be on the next season of the show.
From Starcasm:
OK! Magazine had the initial report, which cited an "insider...
Amanda Bynes seems to be doing a bit better these days than the last time we checked in with her, but she's still not out of the woods (and it's unclear if she ever really will be). With that in mind, a judge in California ruled on Tuesday to extend the conservatorship over what's left of her fortune until at least June 23, when another hearing will be held on the matter. Oh, and those DUI charges she was facing have also been dropped.
Her parents have control over her finances and medical...
Amanda Bynes is, apparently, working on getting her life together again. She was last seen checking out the psychology program at USC, and while most of us are probably raising our eyebrows at the idea of Amanda "doing well", apparently she's got her family convinced this time, as well, as she's off her meds and still pretty lucid.
Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Amanda is off all meds, including Adderall, which caused her to get a DUI.
When you speak with Amanda there is n...
Amanda Bynes recently got herself released from a mental health facility and despite exhibiting behaviour that pretty much proves she's in need of serious professional help, she's managed to sort of, kind of get it together a bit and hasn't set anyone's driveway on fire or threatened to kill her dad again recently. In fact, she's doing so well that she apparently wants to go back to school... to study psychology.
Amanda Bynes has her sights set on USC and the psychology department ... but this ti...
Amanda Bynes has been keeping it pretty low key lately (or at least the past few weeks), it seems - at least as far as the media attention goes - and hopefully that's a sign that she's doing better. Unfortunately, with mental illness, it's a life-long struggle that you don't just wake up one day completely recovered from - it doesn't work like that. However, now she's posted a new selfie in which she is looking lucid (and fashionable?) and hopefully it's a sign that she's on her meds and doing w...
Look, I know Amanda Bynes is seriously mentally ill and in need of real, sustained help, but this is a celebrity gossip site and she is a celebrity. We're reporting on it, okay? Okay. Last weekend her roommates released some audio recording of Amanda fantasizing about how she wants to kill her dad, and that made it clearer than ever that the girl is not only a danger to others, but to herself, as well. Things have finally gone too far for Amanda, and she's decided to release a statement (to Access H...
Amanda Bynes is not improving. Things just keep getting worse and worse for the troubled actress. Where we last left off in the Bynes Saga, Ms. Bynes' parents had given up trying to get back conservatorship, and had moved on. Unfortunately, more troubles are going to follow them, as audio leaked of apparently Amanda Bynes describing how she'd kill her parents. It's really sad. "Nothing would give me greater pleasure than, like, slitting his throat," Bynes said, of her father. More, from TMZ:
Amanda Bynes dreams of murdering her dad, slitting her mom's wrists and burning her ...