Oh lordy lordy. These Kardashians will do anything to keep their show filled with excitement. If these lives were being told on a soap opera, we’d consider them hacky attempts at drama. But this is real life. Well, “real” life.
Rumors are swirling that the skyscrapper Khloe is pregnant with Tristans baby after being on lockdown with him for 2 months. Of course the two already have a baby together. True. She’s like 2. We all recall how he was caught red handed mackin on babes while she was nearly in labor.
The internet says there are hints pointing toward this… Among these hints are the plethora of pink that has been displayed on Kardashian’s Instagram page. A report by Gossip of The City also mentioned how she is eating more and starting to crop out the lower body in her photos so the baby bump won’t be as noticeable.

seen here with baby True.
So just expect this mess to blow up soon.