My, how the mighty have fallen. Mariah Carey is a total diva and legend forever, so the fact that she’s been relegated to singing her ’90s hits at the fucking Walmart annual shareholders events just pains me inside. To be fair, she does sound good – her voice is in pretty alright shape (though I swear to God, that new single is just horrendous – stick to the oldies but goodies at this rate). Plus, we all know that Walmart money is GOOD – just ask Tracy Morgan! – so she’s basically just keeping her pockets lined and in that sense, I guess I have to respect the hustle.
This whole thing is really, really sad, though. Can you imagine a bunch of Walmart execs trying to groove to Mariah? I can’t even deal. Also, that high note at the end of “Infinity” is blood curdling… YIKES.
Gal’s gettin’ porky. Hunny, lay offa da buffet line if such a thing be had at Walmart. Sheesh!
I think it’s a shame that the only thing you got from her performance was her weight. Sucks being a female public figure and not being slim even after you’ve had twins and are in your mid forties. Sure, she’s not in the best shape, however, what I took from this was that she still has a lovely voice. Not as perfect as when she was younger, but still better than a lot of other new artists out there. I can also say that she does look better than a lot of females who are half her age. I am in no way shape or form promoting being “over weight” or obesity (bc that’s another issue) since that doesn’t promote being healthy but I wouldn’t say she’s there yet either. I wonder if she was a guy would we still be criticizing his looks as much as we do just because she is female? ????