Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Nicole Kidman Got Hit By A Dude On A Bike

nicole kidman carl wu

Nicole Kidman was walking around all flawless when paparazzo Carl Wu sped by on his bicycle — on the sidewalk, like an effing jerk — and knocked her down. She was mad. I would be mad too, because people on bikes shouldn’t bike on THE SIDEWALK. Sidewalk’s for regular walkin’, not fancy walkin’. Ms. Kidman is apparently going to press charges. Here’s more on the incident from

Nicole Kidman will press charges after she was knocked over by a paparazzo who crashed into her on a bicycle as she left a fashion show in New York.

Oscar-winner Kidman had just left the Calvin Klein show for New York’s Fashion Week and was returning to the Carlyle Hotel.

As she walked toward the entrance, a freelance photographer named Carl Wu was roaring toward her on his bike, reports TMZ.

Witnesses told TMZ that as Wu got dangerously close to Nicole, he appeared to hit his brakes, but it didn’t do the trick. He slammed into her and she went crashing to the ground. Kidman was helped back up and seemed OK. She was treated for minor injuries to her ankle.

Apparently this dude has also pissed off Lady Gaga.

Here are more pix of Nicky Kids and Carl Wu in their tussle. His face is the perfect expression of, “Bwua?”

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