Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Pregnant Fergie Hopes She Gets Maternal Before “It” Pops Out Of Her

fergie josh duhamel

Oh, Fergie Ferg. She’s having her first baby with husband and hottie (to some?) Josh Duhamel, and that’s great, right? You know, despite the fact that her immediate reaction to discovering her pregnancy was to note that “shit just got real“? Guys?

Alright, listen. Fergalicious admits that she’s not really all that maternal and even incubating her child in her womb hasn’t really kicked that in yet. I don’t think that’s necessarily an issue, and it’s bullshit women’s/parenting mags that like to make women feel like there’s ONE correct way to react to everything in life. If you’re not shitting yourself with delight over putting 86 yellow (neutral colour, natch) onesies on your Target baby registry, there’s something wrong with you. I mean, there isn’t, but that’s what they’d like you to believe.

From OMG! Yahoo:

“I’m still waiting for my maternal instincts to kick in, really. I’m sure a lot of new moms can really relate to that, so I’m hoping it’ll happen before it comes out,” she revealed.

Having kids is a mindblowing experience that’s hard to come to terms with the reality of, so why should she be going nuts already? If you are, cool, but there’s nothing wrong with NOT being that way. Sounds to me like she’s bricking it because she’s realising that her whole life as she knows it is going to be turned upside down and start revolving around a little wrinkly crying thing that takes all of your time, energy, attention and money. I’d probably feel pretty similar.





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