Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Brooke Mueller is in Rehab, Because Duh, This Face Loves Adderall

photo of brooke mueller pictures adderall photos rehab pic
I know we haven’t really talked about this lady much, and every time we do, it’s got something to do with drugs, or Charlie Sheen, or rehab, or all three, and this time it’s got to do with everything except for Charlie Sheen, but hey. We can’t win them all, all of the time, right? Anyway, it’s been juuuust over a year since we last talked about Brooke and cocaine, so on this day, this 53rd week since we last spoke of Brooke Mueller, we’re going to talk about Brooke Mueller and Adderall, because that’s why she’s voluntarily heading to rehab. If you’re looking for recovery programs for a loved one who’s suffering from substance abuse, you may visit sites like

See, it all happened earlier in the week—Brooke was photographed leaving Mr Chow in Los Angeles, and that picture up there? The one with demon eyes and the crooked-mouthed crack leer? That’s how she looked, and even though the very next morning after looking like this she was taken to the hospital for “dehydration” and “exhaustion,” it turns out it was actually for an Adderall overdose, which is really, really surprising, considering how together Brooke normally is*.

A rep for Brooke has confirmed that, though it took a good few days of coercion (and detoxification, I’d guess), Brooke made the big-girl decision to go to rehab and get her life right. Ahem, again. She checked into rehab last night, thus marking her nineteenth stint in rehab. Yes, you read that right—count ’em, nineteen times. In rehab. 19. 18+1. NINETEEN.

Good luck, Brooke! Go get ’em, tiger!

*It’s actually not at all really, really surprising.

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