Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Lea Michele, Again

photo of lea michele at the fox all star party 2012 pictures
I feel like I’m always trying really, really hard to like Lea Michele as a person (aside from her acting, and her nasal voice, and her “super-sexy-secret tattoos! #OMGBUTTERFLY”), but always falling really, really short. So I’ll just go with what I’m pretty skilled at, which is being superficial and only focusing on what a celebrity has to offer on the outside.

These photos of Lea Michele at the Fox All Stars event, for example. I love this dress. I love her messy plait. I love her shoes and her tanned, toned cleavage, but the makeup, guys? Ugh! Who the hell applied all that POWDERED face bronzer? And why wouldn’t they get something with a matte finish? I have a feeling that the Fox event was an air-conditioned affair, so why does Lea look like she’s been sweating and heaving and working hard behind the counter of a greasy pizza joint?

The thing is, too, that Lea did an interview with People recently, where she talked about her biggest fashion faux pas—all of which revolved around doing her own hair and dress and makeup, rather than allowing a paid stylist to do a paid stylist’s thing—and she claimed that those days were long gone into the past:

“At the beginning — at a lot of the Glee press stuff — I was sort of dressing myself and I wasn’t used to taking pictures. So, the awkwardness didn’t help the not-so-great outfits. [Lately] I feel really good, well-rested and happy. I’m just in a really good place in my life. And I think when you personally feel good, you could put on anything and just sort of rock it.”

Yes, Lea, you can—except for crappy, shimmery brown face powder in the middle of summer. No one, no matter who they are, is ever going to rock that look. Good heavens, girl.

What do you guys think of Lea’s look?


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