That Tara Reid, always such a mystery! She’s currently staying in a hospital in France, but for what? Is something wrong with her pancreas? Did she get a bad case of food poisoning? Did she take tumble off a jet ski? Did she, and this is what I hope is the truth, decide to take some time in a medical facility to fix every single thing that is wrong with her mind, body, and spirit?
We don’t know. We just don’t know.
According to TMZ, Tara has been in the hospital for a few days now, and is expected to stay a few more in order to recover from acute pancreatitis. They were sweet enough to add that acute pancreatitis can cause “vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and fever,” though I’m sure Tara is not a stranger to any of those things. Their story also includes the gossipy tidbit that Tara was seen partying hard in the days leading up to her hospitalization, which is something that I’m sure none of us would have considered otherwise.
But THEN, just a few hours ago, Tara tweeted that she “got a seafood poisening and hurt my back on the jetski.” Here, see for yourself:
Don’t worry everyone I’m all good and heathy I got a seafood poisening and hurt my back on the jetski but I’m all better thanks for caring!
Jetski’s are fun but you have to be safe they can be very dangerous!
I’m all good guys and happy no big deal enjoy your day everyone happy friday!
And this isn’t incredibly relevant, but she tweeted this bit of advice an hour after that, and I think it would be irresponsible not to share it with you:
By the way to all you hayers I lobe my adidas track sits when you are going on the small boat to the big one it protects u from getting wet!
So there you go, hayers, go ahead and get yourself an adidas track sit, because I’m sure you will lobe it too.
But anyway, back to that whole hospital thing: is it weird that I trust TMZ to tell me the truth about Tara’s health more than I trust Tara to tell me the truth about Tara’s health? But why would she lie about pancreatitis? Maybe because alcoholism is one of the possible causes for the illness? Maybe because she thinks seafood poisoning is way cooler than a stupid pancreas? I don’t know, but I’m starting to feel silly for spending this much time trying to figure out the thought process of Tara Reid.
I had a friend who had pancreatitis brought on by drinking.
hehehe Oh Tara. Thank you for those thoughtful missives.
Actually, there are many other causes of pancreatitis, although in her case one could automatically assume alcohol was the culprit. I had pancreatitis about 3 years ago (from gallstones) and one of the first questions they asked me was if I had eaten any seafood or shellfish recently.
Most horrific pain I have ever had and wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. The nurses all said I after that experience, natural childbirth would be a piece of cake.
Hope she is better soon…and stops drinking.
80% – 90% of pancreatitis is caused by either Alcohol abuse or gallstones.
Pancreatitis from alcohol use usually occurs in individuals who have been long-term alcohol drinkers for at least five to seven years. Most cases of chronic pancreatitis are due to alcohol abuse. Pancreatitis is often already chronic by the first time the person seeks medical attention (usually for severe pain).
Gallstones usually occur in women over 50.
The other 10% to 20% are other stuff, but food poisoning isn’t listed …
Of course injury is listed as one of the possible (ten to twenty grouping) causes, but if I had go guess …
Of course, salmonella and herpes can also cause an attack, but those are supposedly very rare causes.
Poor, poor Tara. :(