Skanky brass-tone armband that’s disguising a nasty green stain in the shape of a skanky brass-tone armband? CHECK.
Over-worn, clear Lucite stripper heels that are *totally* appropriate for frolicking in the snow with Grandpa? CHECK.
OK, the thing is, here, that Courtney Stodden doesn’t look awful. The eye makeup is ultra toned down, and she doesn’t appear to have six pounds of Wet ‘n Wild Chocolate Cooter Crotch Sensation lip pencil wound around her mouth. Aside from the really overt inappropriateness of these photos, and the fact that I’m still wondering what the hell all those short hairs are atop the crown of her head (no, really, is she going for a Kate Gosselin cut? A mullet? Is her hair that short and the rest is just a budget weave?), the bottom line is that IT’S COLD. And YOU CAN TELL.
Good grief. Why do they do it? Whyy?
holy hell.
Santa’s gonna need some Valtrex.
Hi, love! :)
How sweet of you to recognize my aroundness.
Isn’t she old enough to be a porn star yet? I just don’t see where else this is headed.
It’s so disturbing!!
These are actually WORSE than the video…
i wish you and the other sites would stop posting for these assholes. I’m sick of the untalented being famous for having no talent. i thought there something here about Grint since the link was in that fucking story godammit