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Aw, now, isn’t that sweet? The life of a princess. Sleeping ’til noon, sexy outfits, hair and makeup done like what, mochas? She’s totally industrious, too, with that whole making-her-own-coffee thing. That’s pretty impressive. I have a damn hard time foaming my own milk, but Courtney here has apparently got the gig down pat. I see I have some stuff to catch up on, criminy.
Oh, also, I apologize profusely for the “two Courtney Stodden posts in one day” thing. Sometimes you just can’t help yourself, and folks, this is one of them. I simply couldn’t deprive you of the goodness and entertainment that is girlfriend’s whole-body facial tic.
I love this girl. She’s such a messy skanky train wreck that is obviously trying to be sexy beyond her years. It’s just a shame she’s so oblivious to her absurdity and her husbands so funny because he’s way beyond the age of knowing better.
She’s like a 10 car pile-up; you shouldn’t look, but it’s so delightfully macrabre that you have to.
Ditto, Blah!!! She’s kind of like a two-headed cow or a three-legged chicken…you’re caught between pity, repulsion and that little voice in your head that’s saying…”eeeeewwwww! Gross!”
is it just me, or do her boobs keep getting bigger and bigger?
sweet jayzus i’m now 1 million times dumber after watching this! i want my brain cells back betch! whorrible. just. gawd awful.
Why does she keep WRIGGLING?
I was thinking the same thing! Maybe she has a wrinkle in her bra or her underware was riding up. That always gets me.
On further examination…I *almost* feel a little bad for her. Despite looking as old as Dina Lohan, she is only 17, so her mom and dad (creepy) must have totally warped her mind. She’s been in photo shoots, beauty pagents, and low-budget “music” videos for a while. How did she get it into her head to be so hyper-sexual at such a young age? Her parents obviously encourage and enable her behavior…I just wonder how long before she’s shooting pornos on a dirty matress in some dudes basement, because that’s obviously what her parents told her would move her up and out of her meager beginnings
I like her. I don’t know why, but I do.
And I don’t get all this agression towards her. Okay, she doesn’t look/talk/live the way you think she should, but just for one second, could you consider that there might be the chance that these two people make each other happy in some way?
I like snarky comments as much as everybody else, but “messy skanky train wreck”? “She’s kind of like a two-headed cow or a three-legged chicken…you’re caught between pity, repulsion and that little voice in your head that’s saying…”eeeeewwwww! Gross!””? That’s still another human being that you’re talking about.
I agree. I can’t deny she’s a mess, but I have been impressed by the relationship she seems to enjoy with her husband. They do seem happy, and that counts for a lot.
Mo – is it lonely up there on your pedestal?
In case you didn’t realize it, you are no longer on the website dedicated to Rainbows, Care Bears and REM lyrics. Its a fucking gossip blog. If you don’t want to read snarky comments, go back to writing poems to your cat.
…I’m sorry to see that you don’t seem to know the difference between snarky comments and the disgusting bulls**t you wrote. Snarky comments are funny-your outburst of idiocy just makes me wonder what a sad, angry person you must be.
Also- I’m more of a Peter Gabriel/Pokémon/dog person.
Have a wonderful day, I hope you find something that makes you happy.
I’m sorry I’ve offended you Mrs. Stodden.
You say they look happy from what you see? You realize that what you see is all pre-planned, right? They pay photographers to take the ‘paparazzi’ shots, they plan their interviews, their videos. What you see is what they WANT you to see. Lately Courtney has taken to spend a LOT of time online writing nasty e-mails to people (in the very-limited-vocabulary style as the one sent to the DJ demanding $3 million to appear, where they claimed they were hacked…), and calling people Chinks and Latinos, or ugly fat whores, ‘jealous’, etc, etc.
I can take the boobs and the hair and the makeup and all that, but calling Maroon 5 and Train “awesome” bands? Now I’m convinced there’s a mental deficiency at play here.
I am actually starting to like her a little from these videos she did by herself. In the original videos with her husband, she acted like she lacked any intelligence whatsoever and was a cartoon of a real person. But in these videos, I can see a bit of an actual person, and one who is not repulsive. OMG, am I becoming a convert? Aaaaaaaaagh!