I love Robert Pattinson. You know I love this kid. But his music … I don’t get it. I don’t think it sounds good, I don’t find his voice enjoyable, I just don’t like it. And keep in mind, this is coming from a girl who can listen to some sad dude pluck a guitar and wail about his feelings and go “aww, bless his heart, he’s trying!” and jam out to his album pretty regularly. In fact, sad dudes wailing with guitars make up about 40% of my music collection (the rest is Bowie, showtunes, and Adele), but dear Robert‘s tunes just completely turn me off.
Sources describe Rob’s original songs as “guitar-based and drums, very organic-sounding, nothing pop, like stripped-down Ray LaMontagne meets Van Morrison.” These sources also claim that “music is his first love” and that he’s “tortured” because he’s too busy being a living wet dream to pursue it. And that, that I can respect.
So who’s going to be purchasing this work of art when it comes into being? Anyone?
if it’s anything like his mates’ music, then not in a 1000 1000 years.