Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Everybody Looked So Wonderful at The Harry Potter Premiere!

A photo of Daniel Radcliffe, JK Rowling, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint

It’s true, everyone looked absolutely gorgeous. Daniel Radcliffe just looks so adorable in his little suits, and I don’t care for Emma Watson‘s dress, and it’s clear that she had some trouble with it, but of course she was lovely. And I could go on and on about Alan Rickman and Tom Felton and Jason Isaacs and Domhnall Gleeson, the guy who plays Bill, but I won’t. I’ll just say that hot damn, there was a lot of magic going on at this event (GET IT?!?!?!).

Who’s your favorite?

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Emma is totally rocking that hair these days, that jacket ruins everything though.
    Evanna’s makeup is totally dissonant to hair dress. Not so good.

  • I’m a huge fan of Rupert Grint but yikes to that crocodile suit and dirt stache combo. eek!

  • Man, chubby Neville Longbottom got good looking! And am I the only one who thinks Tom Felton looks like hes doing crack/heroin?