Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Which Lady Gaga Song Does Lady Gaga Hate?

A photo of Lady Gaga

I know, it’s a tough question, isn’t it? There are just so many choices.  It could be literally any Lady Gaga song besides “Just Dance” (sometimes) and “Speechless” (always) and the country version of “Born This Way.” But no, there is one specific Gaga song that the Lady herself cannot stand.  Which one could it be?


It’s “Telephone,” can you believe it?  I think “Telephone” is the least offensive of the song choices I provided, but, according to Lady Gaga, “I hate ‘Telephone.‘ Is that terrible to say? It’s the song I have the most difficult time listening to.” Is it because of Beyonce, do you think, or is it just because she’s finally starting to realize how annoying a lot of her songs are?