Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Did Anyone Want to Read Gwyneth Paltrow’s Cookbook?

Then I just saved you hours of tedium and nonsense by showing you this dramatic reading of Gwyneth‘s new cookbook, My Father’s Daughter.  You can thank me with heartfelt tweets and emails.

I knew I was going to show this to you guys since yesterday afternoon, because I love you and I want to share both laughter and tears with you.  The only thing was, I wasn’t sure what to say.  I mean, I didn’t want to simply trash talk Gwyneth, even though it’s so easy. But then, last night, a beautiful miracle occured:  my puppy tired herself out after trying to eat my face for two straight hours and went to sleep right as I noticed that Seven was coming on.  Remember that movie?  That’s Gwyneth Paltrow’s redeeming quality to me. Not even her performance, just that she played the character who indirectly inspired Brad Pitt to cry out “WHAT’S IN THE BOX?” so unforgettably.  Notably, that point in the movie is when the puppy decided to wake up, so I wrestled around with her and said “what’s in the box?” over and over, and that got her really excited.  So, um, that’s what I like about Gwyneth Paltrow.

But yeah, funny video, right?

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  • I was on WoW when I watched this. When he turns the page they used the soundbyte from WoW when you get a quest. I was trying to figure out what was going on.. haha.

  • I love Gwyneth.

    Except for the time she said she would “only eat chicken that has had a good life”.

    Emotionally fulfilled poultry? ha ha ha.

    Love this photo of her after a big night out with her girlfriends looking slightly hung-over, and more like one of us…