Just when you thought the shitstorm of Christina Aguilera‘s drunken life was about to die down, you were wrong: girfriend was spotted making out in the backseat of a car with her boyfriend, Matthew Rutler.
I know that making out in the back of a vehicle isn’t nearly as trashy as, say, getting it on during a party in a relative’s bathroom or something, but it’s definitely something I’M no longer interested in as a twenty-seven year-old woman myself. See, for some reason, I’ve been prone to car sickness over the past few years, and if I’m hanging out in the car without facing forward and watching what’s coming at me, let alone IN THE BACKSEAT, I’m probably going to be nauseous as hell and want to puke all over you. I mean, I won’t, because I’m not a car-puker, but sometimes? I could.
And if I happened to find myself making out with Christina Aguilera in the backseat of a car, you bet your sweet ass that I’d definitely be puking. She probably tastes like undigested bits of junk food and cheap wrinkle cream.