Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Poll: Was Ricky Gervais Too Mean at Last Night’s Golden Globes?

If you’re not familiar with the humor of British comedian Ricky Gervais, you might have been a little bit surprised at some of his barbs during his Golden Globe hosting duties. Ricky’s known for functioning on the “funny because it’s true” side, which means that some of the topics he hits on are often considered off-color by many. Then of course there are the folks that lap up his brand of brutal honesty peppered with punchlines.

The reviews of his hosting job are coming in and almost all of them are scathing. Personally, I thought he gave us exactly what we should have expected. Beside, there’s something to be said about a host who actually says what everyone at home’s thinking. Who needs to watch a host kiss the asses of a room full of people that live their lives having their asses kissed by the entire world?

Chime in with your thoughts on Ricky’s hosting job by participating in the poll and in the comments.


12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Ricky Gervais was funny last night, one of very few saving grace’s for last night’s show. If the people commenting on his hosting last night found him to be “awkward and uncomfortable”, what did they think of Jimmy Fallon and January Jones?! They were awkward and uncomfortable, just like watching a couple of fucking river rocks talking up there.

  • I thought he was pretty funny! apart from the robert downey jnr remarks maybe were a bit harsh… although i still laughed at it!

  • Award shows aren’t roasts. I love irreverent humor and don’t personally care. But I just don’t know if he was a good fit for that venue.

  • he was soo funny. didn’t like the john travolta comment though. but so what if he was kind of harsh, these shows are boring as hell and he made it entertaining

  • Please, it was barely offensive and totally funny. What’s all the fuss? People seemed to be laughing.

  • We live in very mean-spirited times, which probably makes it quite appropriate for many. I thought his opening monologue was quite funny, especially the part about Hef. However, I think during the ceremony it became a bit much with EVERY introduction by him being a jab of some kind. Also, I think he could have left out that very final line where he thanked God for making him in atheist — that was pretty inappropriate, out of place, and probably offensive to many in both the present and home audiences. I guess I can give him a bit of slack on that one, , though, as he was probably more than a bit ripped by that point in the show.

  • First rule of public speaking: Know your audience. Ricky is used to playing to an audience that is so beaten down and their low end jobs won’t afford the 2 drink minimum. So belittling anyone would be funnier than their sad, little lives.
    The Globe audience consisted of those that are self congratulatory because they have the adultation of their audience. Big difference.