Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Poll: Does Elisabetta Canalis Have Hollywood’s Hottest Beach Body?

photo of elisabetta canalis and george clooney on the beach pictures

And in case you didn’t know who Elisabetta Canalis is, she’s George Clooney’s current long-term piece of arm candy (and dammit, not ‘army’ candy, which is what almost appeared there) and that’s about all you need to know.

George Clooney, in addition to being one of Hollywood’s most sought-after actors, is apparently rolling in hot women, as having dated Kelly Preston, Lucy Liu, Krista Allen, Sarah Larson, and a plethora of other hot, hot women.

And if you think that’s good, I thought for the past ten years that Clooney was the voice of Buzz Lightyear. Talk about giving credit where credit was not due. I only just found out about this Buzz Lightyear thing with the new Toy Story movie, and man, was I disappointed. Shame on you, George, for looking so much like Buzz Lightyear that I thought you just had to be the voice of his character.

Check out photos of Canalis in the gallery, and please, let me know: is she the hottest beach bum ever or what?


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