“I loved the idea that Walt Disney had this dream of a place and then made it a reality. The fact that somebody believed in their idea so much to make it a reality… I want to be that kind of person. My mother still believes in Santa Claus. We tried to break it to her once, but she wasn’t having it.”
– My affirmed new favorite person, Ryan Gosling, touching on the topics of Disneyland and wishing upon stars.
Is there anything better than a guy with some whimsy? Of course not. Ryan Gosling talking about the importance of believing in your dreams, Zac Efron professing that he’s not the type of guy who wants to “bathe in pussy” – they’re all wondrous. There are precious, precious men out there who don’t chase hookers into the bathroom with their anger or sell naked pictures of their sleeping, unaware girlfriends. Let’s get more of those.
DUDE. dewd. speaking of men with whimsy? Zac Levi. look into it.