Yo, yesterday was a big day for Lindsay Lohan, I’m just learning. It was the actress’ 100th day free of drugs and alcohol yesterday (101st today!), which is obviously a huge milestone. It’s actually hard to believe that’s it’s been over three months since she failed that last drug test, but I guess that’s how fast time flies. Like, I’m reevaluating my life now that I realize that it was 100 DAYS AGO that all that mess went down. She’s sober, but what the fuck have I done with my life?!
The year’s almost over, guys. As of January 3rd, Lohan’s going to be out of rehab and hopefully back to work. Where are you gonna be? #TheDeepestThingIEverWrote
Oh, and P.S. Congratulations, Lindsay. I am sincerely rooting for you.