Good news, because there’s one on the way! The bad news? Joss Whedon will not be involved.
Warner Brothers went ahead and made the call that it’d be ok for them to make another Buffy the Vampire Slayer film – not a remake, mind you, they’re making it clear that “this is not your high school Buffy” – without Whedon or any of the original creative team. They also thought that’d it be ok to instead hire a screenwriter who pitched the idea because “she loved Buffy when she was the same age as the character,” which I feel like translates to “she wrote some fan fiction that got some pretty decent reviews on Livejournal and went ahead and took the next step.” And legally, that is ok. But spiritually, it is so, so far away from anything near ok. It’s so far away that the Inca Mummy Girl, who traveled great distances in both physical space and time, would be like “whaaat?”
And you know who had that same reaction? Joss Whedon. He wrote a letter to E! describing his feelings, and if you’re a fan, you should just go ahead and read the whole thing, but suffice it to say that he is charmingly and hilariously uncomfortable with the whole thing.
Oh, and just in case you were looking for the nail in Buffy’s coffin (not that she couldn’t fight her way out. Remember season six? So intense), none of the cast from the TV show are involved. Basically, this movie is going to take all the love and dedication that Joss Whedon has constructed into pure magic and drive a stake right through it.
Commiserating goes in the comments.
I keep getting more and more upset with each remake that happens (Teen Wolf as an MTV show anyone?!) but THIS… this has gone too far. TOO FAR.
total bullshit.
been done.
So distressing. ALSO, excellent reference. That was such a good episode.
Eliza Dushku is also uncomfortable with the idea of Buffy without Joss Whedon. And I love Eliza almost as much as I love Joss Whedon — which is difficult to imagine.
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ugh.. horrible horrible idea :(
Worst idea ever, they are going to regret this, the fans won’t go see it. No fan base = no sales.
What are they thinking ?!?!?! Who would go see it without the cast or Joss Wheadon involvement ? Can you say direct to video!!! BTW have you noticed he’s been directing and producing Glee episodes.