Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Hilary Duff is Playing a Mean Girl on Community

Hilary Duff is guest starring on an upcoming episode of Community (never seen it, but I loooooove Donald Glover's rapz), and like every time an actress with a reputation for being sweet does a guest part on a show, she's playing the bitch. C'mon. It's so true. I can already hear her explaining the part on a giggly Leno interview: "It's fun playing the mean girl because that's so not me. It was a real challenge! It was so hard to look at those actresses and say those things because I like them so much!" Ugh. Anyway, here...

Teresa Giudice’s Husband Has Been Hanging Out With Strippers

I am obsessed with Teresa from Real Housewives of New Jersey, mainly because I love her relationship with her husband Joe. The two have known each other since the day Teresa was born, their families are from the same Italian village and his motto is "happy wife, happy life." They have one of those marriages that (despite all their money issues) seems too good to be true. THAT'S CAUSE IT IS, MOTHERFUCKERS! According to Life & Style, Joe's been frequenting strip clubs and doing sketchy thing...

Rihanna & Shy Ronnie Team Up For a Hilarious Digital Short

Rihanna was the musical guest on last night's Saturday Night Live, but her appearance in this Digital Short killed me. Rihanna teamed up with Andy Samberg's character Shy Ronnie to rob a bank and narrated the entire thing in a Randy Newman-esque fashion. Of course Shy Ronnie is about as good at sticking up a bank as you think he would be (he sucks, yo) and he sabotages the entire thing, but that doesn't mean Rihanna aka Clyde was going to leave empty-handed. Now can Rihanna host her own episode, plz?...

Should Mel Gibson Be Able To Donate Millions To His Own Church?

Mel Gibson Donates 9.6 Million to his Own Church This morning I read that Mel Gibson has "donated" $9.6 million to his Holy Family Church, bringing the church's net worth to $60 million. Who cares if the bigoted woman-hater wants to throw some money into his weird-ass cult? Well, probably like, the State of California and the government and everyone who benefits from taxes because, dude... Mel's donation to his own church is tax deductible. Obviously there's nothing that can be done because once you start infringing on some people's rights ...

Yes! It’s a Gallery of D-Listers In Halloween Costumes

Jodie Sweetin Last night some of the saddest names in show business gathered together to celebrate Halloween at the Barker Hanger in Santa Monica. I went to a Barney's warehouse sale there once. I got a pair of jeans I never wear. What a mistake. Anyway, the event was the 17th Annual Dream Halloween. I covered this event last year, too, and I'm starting to think that this may be my favorite charity function of the year. Not because the proceeds benefit AIDS, but because nothing else delivers the goods. ...

Are You Going to Watch Sarah Palin’s Alaska?

Sarah Palin's Alaska: Promotonal Photos I just remembered that Sarah Palin's Alaska is soooo close to coming into our lives, you guys. The TLC site has a bunch of pictures and videos up, and while neither make me respect Sarah Palin or the state of Alaska, I still think this is going to be must-see TV. You have to click over to the TLC site to see it, but there's a clip of of Sarah scaling some mountain and the whole time she's like, "Ugh! Ehhhh! God help me!" And I was like, "LOL!!!!" It's really a shame that this whole "Sara...

Zach Galifianakis Smokes a Joint to Prove a Point

Zach Galifianakis was a guest on Real Time With Bill Maher when they were discussing California's Prop 19. I don't know if y'all have heard of Prop 19, but it's kind of a big deal. If it passes, marijuana is gong to be LEGAL. LEGAL! Meaning you can't get in trouble for possessing it, you can smoke it just about anywhere and no more "medical cards". You might be able to find a bag of that sticky green wedged next to boxes of cigarettes at your local 7-11 this time next year if all goes according to plan. The best part of ...

Jo Jo Has Been Twitpicing Naughty Photos Of Herself

Pop Star JoJo Takes Semi-Nudes Taking semi-nude photos and posting them to the Internet when you're afraid your star is fading: Is this a "new classic"? It's like something clicks in the minds of these sorta-sexual people that they may be able to get some extra mileage out of their career if they just strip down to their bra and snap a couple cell phone pics of their goods and personally, I love it. For celebrities, that level of desperation is like an emotional milestone these days. Anyway, I'm thinking Jo Jo is maybe wor...

Charlie Sheen is Getting Sued By a Hooker

Charlie Sheen Faces More Legal Trouble The porn star that was with Charlie Sheen the night of his coked-out hotel-destroying rage is suing the actor for the emotional and physical damage she suffered. Capri Anderson has a pretty good case. The details from TMZ: Sources close to Anderson tell TMZ ... she believes Charlie was acting so crazy in his hotel room at The Plaza Hotel on Tuesday morning -- that she felt her life was in danger ... and she also felt like she was being held in the room against her will. As we previous...

Quotables: Betty White Is For Gay Marriage, Tells Those Who Aren’t to Mind Their Business

A photo of Betty White “I don’t care who anybody sleeps with. If a couple has been together all that time—and there are gay relationships that are more solid than some heterosexual ones—I think it’s fine if they want to get married. I don’t know how people can get so anti-something. Mind your own business, take care of your affairs, and don’t worry about other people so much.” - Betty White tells Parade what's up. This woman is still God, right?  Like everything she says is still gospel?  Some...

In Other News …

photo of hot model ashton kutcher pictures J Woww won't do a nudie shoot for Playboy, but she'll do this? [Celebslam] Katy Perry claims that she's great in bed. I just think that the lady doth protest too much. [Popbytes] Canada knows how to do horror flicks, and this is why you should see these if you haven't already. [Pajiba] Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher are still appearing in public together, still trying to quash those cheating rumors by osmosis and obnoxious canoodling. [Celebitchy] The latest on Charlie Sheen .....

Danielle Staub Got Served While Walking the Red Carpet Last Night

Danielle Staub Pays For Lying About Sex Tape Danielle Staub had to know that lying about the details of her sex tape was going to come back and bite her in the butt at some point, but I'm guessing that she didn't expect it to happen on a red carpet. Last night Danielle attended a big Halloween blowout in Woodridge, NJ, and as soon as she took her place in front of the step-and-repeat, she was served with legal papers on behalf of Steve Zalewski, her ex-boyfriend. From TMZ: Danielle was stunned, but didn't miss a beat -- she simply ha...
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