Our lady Megan Fox (who, incidentally, I dreamed about last night, and no, guys, I won’t share), is moving up and beyond box-office hits like Transformers and circus freak sex movies.
Fox is now the new face of Armani cosmetics (and wow, I thought the extent of Armani’s “branching out” beyond super-amazing haute couture was limited to overpriced boxer shorts sold at discount outlets) and sources say that the promo tour is going to start in October. Megan’s thoughts?:
“Mr. Armani is an iconic visionary for all things fashion. I’m honored to be associated with him and part of this campaign.”
Whatever pays the bills, girlfriend. And hey, good for you. That 90210 money isn’t gonna last you forever. It’s also a hell of a lot better than, say, Revlon or something.
Revlon? . . . Ouch.
Also, Megan Fox is drop-dead gorgeous, so this is an excellent decision. I mean, who would NOT be encouraged to buy a product that they associate with stunning beauty?
“stunning beauty”
sorry, but i’m not seein’ it
Having her the face of so many of their products actually makes me NOT want to buy it. All I see is them saying “get tons of plastic surgery and you can get tons of money without having a talent bone in your body”. Yeah, I want to do and be known for that. *roll eyes*.
Picture looks shooped.
She’s such a pretty girl and very thin already, why did they feel the need to photoshop her waist into oblivion? I mean, you can SEE where they went to angular on her waist. That’s a shame.
Is she that deformed? Oh, wait, its the pose many chicks adopt in order to appear sexier. What a crap!
I’m sorry but that doesn’t even look like her. At all. Whatsoever. Nope. Don’t see it.
Shopped as the pic may be, I love her make-up on it. She looks far more beautiful than when she is overdone on a red carpet.
She should model for that weeaboo lotion, Bukkae.
May you Be my Soulmate ..!?
you was very sexy,may you sleep this night with me ?
Hello Megan
I have to say, Megan is indeed very beautiful but actually, when she is not wearing make up, she isn’t really that beautiful.