I am currently wrapped in blankets, I’ve taken two Vicodin I have left over from my last dental surgery and I’m drinking hot tea. I wish someone had given me the same warning that I just gave you before I listened to Liza Minnelli covering Beyonce’s “Single Ladies”. This was made for the Sex and the City 2 soundtrack, which is just futher proof that this franchise needs to be stopped dead in its tracks.
Look, I love Liza Minnelli as much as the next gay, I really do. But this is not chocolate and peanut butter. I don’t want Liza in my Beyonce and I don’t want Beyonce in my Liza. I feel really strongly about that.
Pathetic. Laughable. Sad. Disturbing.
That was fucking awful, I’ve queefed more musical tunes than that atrocious display!
Excuse me while I go see the doc, I punctured my eardrums with a ballpoint pen at about 20 seconds in…
I’d rather watch the video everyday for the rest of my life than think about your pussy farts. Thanks for ruining my dinner.
Yeah, let’s don’t ruin his dinner, which tonight consists of sucking the ballsack of a Puerto Rican gardener.
Nothing say beautiful music like a singer who ends every note that sounds as though she’s about to go into labor.
English, do you speak it, motherfucker?
Pulp fiction anyone?
Ha ha ha, Molls, the line about peanut butter and chocolate was genius.
i liked it.
me too
O M F G…
Are you gay Molls?