Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Mischa Barton, Pre-Breakdown

A tipster points us to this little-known interview with Mischa Barton done in January 2009. At first she's just rambling about hair products (she gets a pass there since it's an Herbal Essences event), but around the 1:55 line she talks about her OC days -- how she hated the show by the end and chose for her character to die. Then she says that she never sees any of the cast from the show anymore. She doesn't seem high or drunk, exactly, but something's off. Hungover maybe? Or just the early, brewing stages of a complete break-down? /> A tipster points us to this little-known interview with Mischa Barton done in January 2009. At first she's just rambling about hair products (she gets a pass there since it's an Herbal Essences event), but around the 1:55 line she talks about her OC days -- how she hated the show by the end and chose for her character to die. Then she says that she never sees any of the cast from the show anymore. She doesn't seem high or drunk, exactly, but something's off. Hungover maybe? Or just the early,...

Is Everyone Pumped for Kevin Federline’s New Reality TV Show?

425adfederlineprince073109 He's a back-up dancer! He's a rapper! He's an actor! No, no, none of those worked out, so K-Fed's falling back on every famewhore's favorite fall-back plan: He's doing a reality TV show. His second reality TV show, the first of course being the perma-stoned Chaos with Britney Spears. Kevin's currently filming the VH1 show in Vegas with his entourage -- including girlfriend Victoria Prince -- and thus far he's not making a lot of new friends with the locals. Last night, he hit up Waste...

Paris and Doug: Back on!

Paris Hilton and Doug Reinhardt at Premiere of Rex Pictures Photos If you're anything like me, you wake up every morning lately, scan the news headlines, and ask yourself, "Why isn't Paris Hilton's name anywhere on here?" Paris has been laying conspicuously low these days, and now perhaps we know why: She's reconciled with Douche Reinhardt, and she's probably a little embarrassed about it. I mean, there were practically parades in the streets when they split -- everyone hates that guy -- but apparently Paris has had trouble finding another Z-lister to worsh...

Be Careful How You’re Getting Your Digital Music

Music DownloadingA federal judge has ruled that a Boston University student violated copyright laws when he swapped music online, paving the way for a jury to begin considering damages Friday. Joel Tenenbaum, 25, admitted on the witness stand Thursday that he downloaded and shared hundreds of songs by Nirvana, Green Day, The Smashing Pumpkins and other artists. "Tenenbaum's statement plainly admits liability on both downloading and distributing, does so in the very language of the statute ... and does so with ...

Rachelle vs. Summit: Twilight Battle Goes to the Lawyers

rachelle-turquoise Wendie's done a great job of covering the the craziness surrounding Rachelle LeFevre getting the boot from New Moon because of scheduling conflicts. But don't expect to hear any more poison-tongued statements from either camp: they're taking it to their lawyers. In short, Lefevre wants her money. Summit is arguing she's due nothing because the studio insists she's in breach of contract for signing on for the indie flick Barney's Version. "Rachelle's contract says she's allowed to do smaller projects like Barney's Version,...

Aunt Jodi and Uncle Kevin Are Still Talking

As TLC prepares to air the new episode of Jon & Kate on Monday, the talk shows and the morning shows are scrambling to turn the excitement into ratings, and, as such, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jodi are back on TV to complain. This time, though, they're very clear about blaming TLC rather than Kate or Jon. They say they're on TV "for the children," and they want a politician "with a heart for children" to step up and introduce legislation to prevent the kids from being filmed so often. I'm kind of bored of all this Jodi and Kevin nonsense. These kids are just fine -- as fine as any young children in the middle of their parents' divorce can be. Both their parents love them and spend time with them, and they have opportunities in life they never would have had if it weren't for the show's success. What do you guys think? Are Jodi and Kevin doing this for the kids, or are they just trying to reclaim the spotlight they lost when Kate kicked them off the show? /> As TLC prepares to air the new episode of Jon & Kate on Monday, the talk shows and the morning shows are scrambling to turn the excitement into ratings, and, as such, Uncle Kevin and Aunt Jodi are back on TV to complain. This time, though, they're very clear about blaming TLC rather than Kate or Jon. They say they're on TV "for the children," and they want a politician "with a heart for children" to step up and introduce legislation to prevent the kids from being filmed so often. I'm kind of bored of all this Jodi and Kevin...

Zack Morris Isn’t Afraid of Screech

markpaul_gosselaar I'm loving this interview Newsweek did with Mark-Paul Gosselaar. They ask him about rumors that Dustin Diamond is writing a tell-all about his days on Saved by the Bell. Here's how Mark responded: What is he going to say? We were banging groupies at 14? I can't wait to read his book, because I don't have a memory of a lot of the shows. Maybe it was because I was doing lines off of the audience members' asses. I'm sure he's going to write something crazy like that. The truth is?the reason why ...

Ohhhhhhh Shit: Eminem STRIKES BACK at Mariah

Damn, I gotta admit this is a super-hot track. Probably the most awesome diss track I've ever heard. In fairness, Mariah started it, with her "Obsessed" song and the video that clearly targeted Em. But Eminem is following suit, with a full-length diss track called "The Warning." He talks some serious smack about Mariah -- calling her a whore, a liar and an alcoholic -- and threatens to release naked photos of her if she denies anything he says in the track. To cap it all off, he samples some Mariah shit off what I think is a studio session they did together. Oh, and he calls Nick Cannon a "faggot." Lovely, just lovely. Seriously, though, love him or hate him -- you gotta admit Em's a genius. This is a truly brilliant diss track. Remind me never to date a rapper. /> Damn, I gotta admit this is a super-hot track. Probably the most awesome diss track I've ever heard. In fairness, Mariah started it, with her "Obsessed" song and the video that clearly targeted Em. But Eminem is following suit, with a full-length diss track called "The Warning." He talks some serious smack about Mariah -- calling her a whore, a liar and an alcoholic -- and threatens to release naked photos of her if she denies anything he says in the track. To cap it all off, he samples some M...

Brooke Hogan “Sings”

   Brooke Hogan performed a song from her Redemption album, "Hey, Yo" on Good Day NY this morning.  I must say, I'm disappointed in that I thought it was going to be so much worse than it was.  It did seem like she was having a little timing/rhythm issue, but overall she wasn't half as atrocious as I'd been hoping.  I feel a little disillusioned, actually.  I think it helped that she wasn't singing alone -- she had Colby O'Donis to carry her and to drown out her vocals with his guitar. Of course then...
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