Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Former American Idol Contestant Arrested for Peeping in Brit’s Windows

Britney Does Her Own Policework

A woman who auditioned for American Idol in 2005 and made it to the second round was arrested Friday on charges of trespassing and disorderly conduct when she clad herself in cammo, sneaked onto the grounds of Britney Spears’ Calabasas, CA home, and peeked into a few windows.

After realizing, “Hey, that isn’t the window washer,” one of the private guards asked her to leave the prestigious Oaks neighborhood. When she seemed reluctant to do so, they physically escorted her off the property and called the cops.

While originally held on $5,000 bail, Tozier-Robbins, was released after agreeing to appear June 16 in a Malibu court.

The woman, 26-year-old Miranda Tozier-Robbins, sang a Spears tune when she auditioned for Idol, and has recently posted several strange  comments on Spears’  website.

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  • Now she’s claiming that she was doing research for a documentary she’s making about the paparazzi.

  • how do they find out so fast that these people were people who auditioned for American Idol (i.e. the woman who committed suicide in front of Paula Abdul’s house)? you must have to sign your name in blood to get an audition for that show.