Today's Evil Beet Gossip

DJ AM Needs To Deplane Immediately


DJ AM may be the luckiest man alive.  He and Travis Barker were the only two survivors of last year’s plane crash which killed the other four people on board.  And now, it appears he has cheated death again.

Poor Adam was booked on Continental Flight 3407 on February 13th.  That’s the plane that crashed in Buffalo and had no survivors.  Apparently, Adam had a bad feeling about flying and opted to drive at the last minute-a decision that saved his life.  Why does aviation basically hate Adam Goldstein?

I have always said that plane crash survivors are really the luckiest people.  Lucky for the obvious reason-they get to live.  But also because, statistically speaking, what are the chances of them ever being in another plane crash?  I’d like to think the odds would be drastically reduced.

Since the crash in February, AM has cancelled all scheduled gigs that would require him getting on a plane.

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