Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Osbournes: Reloaded Shoots Itself in the Head

osbournesreloaded_l I haven't gotten around to watching the new Osbournes variety show yet (not that I was ever planning to), but the early reviews are god-awful. Says Entertainment Weekly: On The Osbournes: Reloaded, Ozzy, Sharon, Kelly, and Jack were just pathetic. No wonder Fox kept chopping this proposed hour-long "variety show" into an ever-smaller size before airing it. The network is supposed to air five more Reloadeds. Don't hold your breath. Or maybe, do hold your breath: The stink of this show wi...

Bridget’s Widget, Just Because Bridget Rhymes with Widget

Hi. I'm exhausted. I spent the evening babysitting a friend's 3-month-old baby. Then I came home and took my birth control pill. I completely and totally love this little girl, but babies are SO EXHAUSTING. I have never been with anything that required that much constant attention, with the possible exception of the erection of a much older man I once dated. Truly, I don't know how mothers do it all day every day. You guys are hard core. Olympic marathoners have absolutely nothing on full-...

Plugging Shit My Friends Do:

me-1 My totally awesome friend Lexie has recently launched a fantastic blog about living life with diabetes. It's called I Run on Insulin, and you can check it out here. Lexie's lived with diabetes since she was young, and she works in the medical industry and is very involved with the American Diabetes Association. Lexie knows everything about living with diabetes. She's always being quoted and interviewed on TV or in books or on the radio for her expertise and her amazing personality and positive t...


oprahstar-thumb-500x333-5507 "I was an addict for all practical purposes, that I had never stuck to a real diet, that I'd never stuck to a real exercise program, and that when confronted by my doctor and the doctor said if you don't make changes, you will die. I had no choice. When you hear people say, oh, you took the easy way out, I would have longed for an easy way. It was not an easy way. It was this -- the hardest struggle of my whole entire life and I still struggle." Star Jones, discussing her gastric bypass surgery w...

Nikki Ziering’s Face Gave Birth to a Baby

16446717nikki_ziering331200953143pm At least that's what it looks like. It looks like a screaming monster tore its way through this woman's face. I can't even imagine what her vagina looks like, if this is how poorly her face has held up over the past few years. Nikki, 37, got a divorce from Ian Ziering in 2002, and she just gave birth to a healthy baby named named Tatum Ella Reynolds. The baby was born in Newport Beach, because, honestly, if you're a former Playmate who names her daughter Tatum, there's just no reason for her t...

Danny Gokey Spent the Weekend at His Grandfather’s Funeral

danny-gokey Poor Danny Gokey! He has been going through a lot of awful shit in his personal life lately! Less than a year after the death of his wife, Danny returned home to Wisconsin this weekend to attend his grandfather's funeral. Idol producers had no comment on it, but they said that Danny would be back in LA to perform on the show today. I have to hand it to Danny, as much shit as he's been through, he really doesn't play the "sob story" card on the show. He only talks about his wife and her passing when reporters grill him about it for a story. He's not sitting there gabbing Ryan's ear off about ...

The Other Demi Daughter Scouts Out France

54159EP We get more of Rumer than we can take, and a decent dose of Tallulah, but it's ever so rare that we see middle daughter Scout Willis photographed with her mom, Demi Moore. Scout's almost 18 now, and she accompanied her mother (and their two hottie bodyguards!) for a walk around Nice. I'm sorry, but these Willis girls are just proof that when beautiful people mate, the offspring are not always all that beautiful. Unless those two people are Brad and Angelina. In which case the babies are gu...

Isaiah Officially Evicted!!!

Isaiah Washington Signs Deal with NBC to Guest Star in Bionic Woman He's ouuuuuuuutta there! "Rehabbed" bigot Isaiah Washington was evicted from his Los Angeles home after failing to pay $100K in back rent. "He’s moving out today," a source tells A man identifying himself as Kevin McCauley, the owner of the property, only had this to say about the Washingtons: "They are very nice people, this is an unfortunate matter." At the actor’s Los Angeles home on Monday afternoon, there was considerable movement. Two housekeepers were spotted packing a lar...

Stiffed By The Queen

57080679queenlatifah331200922548pm-1 Queen Latifah had a birthday bash this past weekend at SIR Studios in Hollywood.  Attendees included Kim Kardashian, Lil' Kim and Vivica Fox-all of whom brought their twins, or you know, massive chests.  Let's hope Queen's friends gave her money as a gift; it sounds like she's going to need it. Latifah's cosmetologist and stylist are both suing her for unpaid salary for work they did for the Cover Girl campaign as well as Queen's own Curvations intimate apparel line.  The lawsuits total $...

Britney Gets Into a Bitchin’ Groove

The sound folks on Britney's show need to stop sniffing paint. Once again, they left her microphone on at a time when it should have been off, and Britney's enthusiastic "Bitch!" was captured for all to hear (around the 0:04 mark on this clip). It's like the only time this girl's mic is actually off is when she's "singing." I hope that when I go to see Britney, the audio guys will just be completely passed out and we can hear EVERYTHING she mumbles to herself over the course of a show, little gems like "Fuck yeah!" and "What city are we in again?" and "I can smell my own pussy from here!" /> The sound folks on Britney's show need to stop sniffing paint. Once again, they left her microphone on at a time when it should have been off, and Britney's enthusiastic "Bitch!" was captured for all to hear (around the 0:04 mark on this clip). It's like the only time this girl's mic is actually off is when she's "singing." I hope that when I go to see Britney, the audio guys will just be completely passed out and we can hear EVERYTHING she mumbles to herself over the course of a show, litt...
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