Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Watch Your Back, Kate Gosselin


Someone is looking to give Jon and Kate Gosselin a run for their money — a woman in Bellflower, California just gave birth to octuplets. She was only expecting seven babies, but once they opened her up for the C-section, they found eight. Sweet. Now what the hell are they going to do with that seven-baby stroller?

This is only the second time in history that a human has had eight babies — the first time was in 1998, and the woman lost one of the babies as an infant.

Right now, all eight of the Bellflower woman’s babies are healthy.

Don’t worry, she’ll have no trouble paying for all those children — she’s practically guaranteed a hit TV show. I assume TLC is sending a film crew over right now. The Gosselins are going to be sooo passe. Seriously, I bet you anything Kate is feeling threatened right now. It kind of gives me joy.

50 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Lauren, I agree with you. That Kate, MY KATE, and every other Kate would be much less bitchy if they exercised more often, ate a wheat and theaten free snack cake, and took their barley vitamins WHEN THEIR GATE KEEPER TELLS THEM TO NOT WHEN THEY FEEL LIKE IT!

  • I still love that show, because the kids are so ridiculously adorable. The younger ones, that is.
    New episode tonight, they move into their new house! Woo!

    • OMG! We don’t get it all very quickly in england, the furthest i’ve seen is the babies 3rd birthday party. ive been watching re-runs for about 4 months now. lol. and the way i see it, shes a super woman, if she can raise 8 well behaved kids, im sure i could cope with the one me and my fiance have been trying so desperatly for.

  • Hahaha, I remember that episode of The Simpsons. They were all slipping her fertility pills and she ended up with eight. Hilarious.

  • hahaha

    I watched the new episode, i have to just because I adore those kids, minus Mady. But anywhore, Kate made the comment in their new house, “You like the new house? This is why Mommy and Daddy have to work very hard every day.”

    Wait.. is “working” sitting on a sofa and chatting to a film crew? That new house is WAYYYYYYYYYYY big. Gooodness. So next week, do the girls get a puppy?

    • I can’t wait to see it! It’s recorded on my PVR. And hopefully they get a pot-belly pig instead of a puppy.

    • I’ve known craploads of people who think raising one or two kids is a full-time job. They have 8. You try it.
      And they don’t sit all day long “chatting to a film crew”. That time is set aside each week (or whatever). It’s certainly not done daily.
      I haven’t seen the new season yet, or the new house (aside from a photo here on Beet many months ago), but I really think you people are way too hung up on that family. I don’t know if it’s jealousy, or just misdirected resentment, but they HAD worked hard in the past. Yes, they do possibly exploit the kids a bit. But TV networks have been exploiting people for over a decade already. Reality television is nothing new. If you had 8 children, and could do something to guarantee their education, and comfortable living conditions, especially in today’s economic times, who the hell wouldn’t take advantage of it? I’m sure the show will end in a season or so, when the sextuplets aren’t as cute and charming as they once were. And the Gosselins will go back to their private lives (or on more book tours, anyhow), with a possible yearly update until the kids are teens and old enough to voice their opinions against it.
      Regardless of how they live their lives, no one’s forcing you to watch them do so, and they sure as hell don’t depend on your watching them just to survive.

      Why won’t this topic just die? Thanks a lot, Beet! :)

  • Everything DarkEmpress said!! I love this family! Jon and Kate are perfect for each other and those adorable children.

  • this is one of my annoying rants i admit. it’s child abuse to have this many kids. first of all there isn’t going to be enough money for these kids, their needs, college. i’ve talked with people who grew up with nothing and too many kids and the reality is horrible.

    second, those parents cannot properly raise those kids, they don’t have the time. when the kids are often “raising each other”, it’s a euphemism for mommy and daddy being too busy to raise you like a proper parent. i’ll stop

    • I doubt that they meant to have this many at once. And you shouldn’t assume that they won’t be properly cared for.

      As far as any of us know right now, this family is extremely wealthy and can afford to pay for all their needs. I am not saying this is true, but it is possible. Regardless, money isn’t everything. Love accounts for a lot.

      And anyway, I am sure they will have lots of donations. And yes, they could easily go the John & Kate route.

      I’d rather have this family that CLEARLY wanted children (ha, at least one) to have 8 kids than for some crack head to even have one. But that’s just me.

      I hope everything goes well for the family and all of those babies.

      • “I’d rather have this family that CLEARLY wanted children (ha, at least one) to have 8 kids than for some crack head to even have one. But that’s just me.”

        Totally agree

  • So with those eight that were born in 1998, did they ever find the eighth one or did they just give up figuring that 7 was enough?

  • I think Kate is awesome and I think she has to be a bitch to keep the house in order otherwise it would be total chaos. Love the show and the family.

  • I saw the new episode last night. I have to say, I think this will be the last season. It’s not exactly reality any more now that they live in a million dollar house with stables. It was fun to watch them struggle as everyday people with eight kids. Now, they’re not exactly struggling.

  • Having these many babies is so draining on the society. It cost a shit load of money to have them. I don’t understand why people don’t reduce the number when they know they have so many children. I don’t think they should get hand outs or donations at all. They knew they were getting at least 7 kids, this was no “Woah! Now what am I going to do?!” We don’t help others who truly need help, so why help these leeches?

    Sorry, I just feel strongly about this and I know that they used fertility drugs and not in-vitro, but Doctors are partly to blame.

    • Oh yeah, it makes so much sense to just kill the extraneous babies so you can have your desired number. Let’s hope that one wasn’t gonna find the cure for cancer or something someday.

    • Because to many people terminating a fetus is murder. Once you find out that there are multiples then you are left to deal with that fact.

    • All they had to do was to have only 3 embryos implanted and NOT 7-8 of them. It is stupid to think that there was NOT a snowball’s chance that ALL of them would take. The possibility was there and thay had 6 kids at once, and it would have been more if the 7th had suvived pregnancy. This was not in any way a natural pregnancy…man forced.

  • First, let me say that I LOVE this show. I try to watch it faithfully every Monday night. I also know that everybody is different, and everyone has different house rules. I also absolutely adore the kids. I have the DVD’s and their new book. So, in no way do I want it to seem like I am bashing them. I just wandered…
    Am I the only one that thought Kate was a little too over the top with telling the kids that they were absolutely not welcome in Jon and Kate’s bedroom? I mean she literally told them that they could not enter the room. I mean, I understand that she and Jon need some space and privacy. Who wouldn’t with 8 kids. I just would never want any child of mine to feel like they were not welcome in my bedroom. Of course our policy in our house is “the door is always open!” I want my child to feel comfortable in is own house and welcome in every part of it.

  • those kids are brats…they cry all whine all the freakin time..they make me sick….i know jon wants to punch kate in her tummy tucked belly…she is such a bitch

  • How many don’t have enough to do? Reading through a few blogs on the Gosselins, there are obviously a whole lot. The Gosselins are doing what any other family would do – use a situation to the best advantage for their family. Good grief – if you don’t like what you see, turn the channel!

  • Just as I ranted a few days back on too many twin pregnancies in Hollywood, especially over the age of 35, I fault this too on Fertility drugs. NOT KOSHER PEOPLE!

  • I am so annoyed with all of the Gosselin bashers. Why do you people even watch the show? I have the feeling that most of you are just not happy people. Jealousy usually brings us to say things that are hurtful about others. Do some of you even have children? I don’t agree with everything that goes on on the show, however, I do agree with what the Gosselins are doing. Raising children is expensive and these people are doing everything that they possibly can to make enough money to support their children. Do they do everything right? No, but do you? I’m sure not. We are imperfect people and for all of you to sit back and judge people that you really know nothing about about is ridiculous! I hope that none of you are being judged as severly by others that observe you and your behaviour (trust me, it is happening) as you are judging these people. How disappointing.

  • Yes this mom has a larger set of multiples, but are they Asian?

    White babies are boring. Plus Kate being a bitch is what makes the show attractive.

  • I think anyone in Jon and Kate’s situation would do the same thing. If TLC approached most people about a reality show they would do it. I don’t think it is as easy as it looks. It is a way to give their children a good life and put them through college..because they probably would’nt be able to do it any other way..and if they could it would be tough.They are GREAT parents and do a great job raising such adorable children.

  • Has anyone else noticed that Kate seems to 100% completely despise the twins now? When they were first born, they seemed like they ment the world to Jon & Kate. But now, they seem to be just pushed to the side and all the attention is thrust towards the little ones! Is it because the twins didn’t make them “rich & famous” like the little ones have?? Or is it because the twins have outgrown the adorable stage & the littles ones are still there? Some of the shit that Kate lets the twins get away with verses the shit they give em shit for? Someone needs to take a parenting class at her local church…oh wait a minute! That is her class!

  • Has anyone else noticed that Kate seems to 100% completely despise the twins now? When they were first born, they seemed like they ment the world to Jon & Kate. But now, they seem to be just pushed to the side and all the attention is thrust towards the little ones! Is it because the twins didn’t make them “rich & famous” like the little ones have?? Or is it because the twins have outgrown the adorable stage & the littles ones are still there? Some of the shit that Kate lets the twins get away with verses the shit they give em shit for? Someone needs to take a parenting class at her local church…oh wait a minute! That is her class! Maybe they should go visit Jim Bob & Michelle Dugger one day…wouldn’t that be somethin?

  • The only trouble I have (besides the exploitation) is that Jon and Kate seem to be getting to big for thier britches the longer the show goes on. The parents from “The Little people” are very grateful and down to earth. They do not bite the hand that feeds them. There house is a mess but they spend lots of quality time with the children and do not feel they are “above” the general public or as Jon said, “We go right to the back of the plane so strangers (this said with a disgusted face) do not sit near us” Well Jon….those strangers support you and your family. nuff said

  • A response to ‘New to Blogging’: you asked: how many don’t have enough to do?’ in reference to dissing KON….hmm dumbass, YOU are the one of many blogging. Aren’t you calling the kettle black?? YOU are finding the time to blog, just like us. So that makes you just as guilty. Think first before you write. Have a good day!

  • Okay so what did I expect when I googled the rumor? A blog of people happy that a family is breaking up. I’m not saying that I blame Jon in the least if it is true. But who would think that he would turn to drinking and bars? The only thing is that people are saying that there are picture(s) of him at bars. All I see is him with probable fans who probably asked him to pose with them for a picture. Of course they probably sold the picture to whoever first got a hold of it. Smart girls. Dumb A$$ Jon for getting himself in that position. But even though no one would be surprised if he decided enough is enough….I am still hoping that it was one picture and just a rumor… for the sake of the kids. Go get marriage counseling! Can you imagine the child support? Ha. I am sure the show would foot the bill in a split but I can’t imagine that he would give up all those kids. He loves them.

  • The picture at the top is funny as HELL!!!!! But why do people keep stealing my material? That was my idea!!!!! I guess this site is about the octopussy! She is a sick woman that strives to be a parasitic tick on America! AAauugghh!!! thats all I can say!

  • I hope Jon leaves that bitch of a wife. What a control freak she is with those kids. It borders on abuse—like the time she degraded one of the boys for getting gum on his blankie. Oh, God forbid Kate you complete freak. And Maddy, she is just completely bipolar or something. Get that kid into therapy now!! All of those kids will be f’d up, just wait and see. They are not living a normal life being on camera all the time and just like child stars, when they grow up and are no longer cute they will get the message loud and clear that no one cares about them anymore. Lets guess how many will be in rehab in 15 more years! Dump that bitch Jon and take the kids away from her and her over the top OCD.

  • This is the crappiest show…Kate is awful and Jon just sits there and allows that crazy woman to berate/belittle him. Watch the Toys R Us Christmas shopping episode, it was enough to make me NEVER watch this family (well really its all bout Kate in her eyes) again. This woman uses her own children to be what she considers a celebrity. But, hey its working she made, Oprah even wanted some of that action. If you didn’t want that many dang kids-have less embryos implanted!