Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Guess the Celebrity Spawn


Whose famous vagina excreted this pacified cutie? She was spotted doing some shopping with her mom in LA yesterday. Here’s an unexpected hint: her celeb mom was smoking a cigarette not two feet from this little girl! And she’s not Britney Spears!

Answer is after the jump.


This is Salma Hayek’s kiddo, Valentina.

Smoking a cigarette in front of your toddler: so hot right now.

31 CommentsLeave a comment

  • that’s who i was going to guess. she’s like michael jordan’s son; no way that fucker can live up to the hype. can you shoot a jumpshot, or dunk? or can you have sex with antonio banderas in the hottest r-rated movie sex scene ever? didn’t think so

  • Oh who cares? If smoking is the worst thing in the world, we should be happy. There are thousands of things worse than smoking.

    • You are right there are so many more things a mother has no control over that are ten times worse then smoking near your child. Having said that this is something she has control over and if you could spare a life threatening complication form your child wouldn’t you? I know people who have gotten sick from second hand smoke from parents. It’s just not acceptable. If she wants to smoke do it far away from the kid.

  • My first thought was Valentina, but I didn’t think Salma smoked. Ick. I lost both parents to cancer in my teens, both were heavy smokers. I have very little respect for parents who smoke, especially while around their kids.

  • Wasn’t Salma Hayek talking a few weeks ago about how she was unable to give up breastfeeding? I hope she’s not smoking while she’s still nursing, she’ll have a toddler with nic fits when she stops nursing…

    • I forgot about that! So true!

      Maybe she is just holding the cigarette for a friend who just went into the store? That excuse always worked for my brother…

    • My mother always said the most relaxing part of her day when I was an infant was when she could settle down to nurse me and … light up a cigarette.
      It’s a wonder I’ve made it to 39!
      Really, Salma, don’t we know better now?

      • Actually, you can. It’s not as bad as smoking, but city air pollution can give you lung cancer as well as other lung complications. YOU need to get your facts right.

      • Hey, BRiles, take a look at what BEEBEEC said again.

        “Breathing in outdoor city air is more dangerous”

        You even say that it’s possible, but not as likely, to get ill from city air than smoking. Not to mention, you don’t have a lot of control over the quality of the air in your city, but you have complete control over whether or not you inhale from a cigarette. Reading comprehension fail.

      • ive smoked for years and ive not had anything wrong with me from it

        neither have others i know that have smoked for years

        smoking doesnt always cause problems

  • I never really liked Selma… And now I know why! Smoking around your kid, so dangerous.

    P.S. Look at the face Selma’s mother is making. She is probably thinking the same thing I am!

    • For real, pair a dimes. I smoke and have one kid in law school and one engineer. There are worse things for a child to go through.

  • Just not a fan of smoking, especially as an asthmatic. Icky. I know it was all the rage fifty years ago, but that was before the education we have now. I wish people would listen. Those things are death sticks.

    Valentina has her momma’s eyebrows. I really love her dark, dark hair and olive skin tone. She’s going to be so beautiful when she grows up.

  • atleast she’s smoking well away from her and not right up in her face…
    On another less judgemental not i want to see valentina and suri cruise fight it out for cutest celebrity spawn!! Fight to the death…or mayb just till one of them starts crying

  • she smokes, she is an actress with an expressive face and she’s a sunworshiper. Yet, somehow she looks half her age – amazing!

    • ahhh

      if only i had the money to get whatever she must of had

      it must be great to know that at first signs of wrinkles you can always have something done

  • Salma you should be ashamed of your self. Thank God most parents know better then to act like that around their children.