Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I’m So Fucking Jealous of Samantha Ronson’s Impending Rehab Vacation


Life & Style is reporting that a doctor rushed to the home of Samantha Ronson yesterday and X17 is reporting that she was rushed to the hospital today.  Who knows which is true but my money is on X17.  Either way, Sam is suffering from the most widespread illness in Hollywood:  Exhaustion and stress.  

According to a source, “She’s been suffering from depression and from lack of food and sleep,” and that Lindsay “has been helping her through this as she has been through it herself two years ago.”

I’ve been exhausted and stressed and depressed for nine years straight.  I never knew this was something that warranted medical attention.  I really need to be rich and famous so I can go get some rest too.

51 CommentsLeave a comment

    • How the hell is Wendie homophobic, of all things, just from writing a simple, small post about Sam Ronson’s stress illness??? Fuck YOU, xxxx. What a shitty little comment to make to the writer, out of nowhere.

    • xxxx= stupid idiot.

      where on earth did you pull this sexual orientation card from? the thin fucking air?

      hey, turns out you can report gossip about someone who is gay. that does not make you a homophobe. retard.

      • It’s not strictly about gossip. xxxx believes Samantha has been labeled (and targeted) as a drug user simply because she is gay. Meaning were she heterosexual, the same label would not be applied. Kind of like assuming and then implying that because someone is a dj and dates a celebrity and is thin, they must be a coke addict. And therefore, they can’t actually be suffering from exhaustion or stress; it’s all a cover for drug addiction.

  • I hear you. I was sick and dehydrated once and went to the hospital and I sadly, sickly kind of hoped they would admit me so I could sleep and not have to cook or clean up after anyone.
    We so need to be rich and famous….when I win the lottery Wendie I will come get you for some rest!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Remember the Beach boys song…” wouldn’t it be nice if we we’re older…………… wtf has happened to every young person in Hollywoood….You can survive without starving yourself, drug overdoses, upskirts, sex tapes, etc…………. God, don’t you have a family with ANY values…………..ANY???? Really? I can not believe that this person is okay with her life, photogs, and constant critisism, she msut be on the breaking point, get real life, dear, with purpose, whatever that may be…stop all the bulls@*% . Tragedy is around the corner, no one really wantst o read that except for the few losers who hate on this site… you know who you$#@%!!!!!!!!! Try!! TRY!!!!

  • You know, normally, I don’t take any of this very seriously, but I hardly consider depression, or someone suffering from it, something to make fun of. Depression is a serious medical condition and if you’ve had it for nine years, I would think you’d understand that and be a bit more sympathetic. Is it so hard to believe that Samantha might actually suffer from this condition? All you’re doing is perpetuating some very destructive myths about this disease. Shame on you.

    • I so agree with you….moms everywhere are singing the same song…please, come home…she is sad and tired.. let her be. It must suck to be with a “celebrity”. Must totally suck. Money won’t buy you mental health……ask simon.

      • This is such a dangerous disease and the worst part is dealing with the misconceptions that surround it. At least she had the courage and the foresight to seek help. I say courage because of how her behavior be portrayed in the media. Exactly like it’s being portrayed here. This isn’t funny, people. This isn’t someone wearing a funny outfit or making a flop CD. This is a person’s life at stake.

  • honestly, how can you not think being exhausted, stressed, and depressed for NINE YEARS STRAIGHT is not something that warrants medical attention!!! and use it to make a sarcastic point? not to mention the relatively frequent posts here mentioning being too exhausted/sad/depressed/ some variant thereof to do work? does tom cruise secretly run this site?

  • I don’t know about these folks, but I read Evil Beet for scathing and sarcastic commentary, NOT for mental health advice and serious observation about diseases… Keep doing exactly what you’re doing! I love every second of it!

  • I hate when people say that they are “stressed” it’s such a cop out. Everybody has to have some drama in their life so they can bitch about it. Jesus, have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up.

  • Hey Wendie, I kinda like you, but sometimes you are a little “off your rocker” should I say. I hope you are joking about being depressed for nine years. You’re a parent right?

  • This is their JOB to be a gossip columnist. Sure, if it were you, you’d be pissed, but that’s all part of being in the public eye. You learn to deal with gossip sites like Perez Hilton and Evil Beet. Maybe she does have cancer and she’s seeking private medical attention in the form of a rehab cover up, but judging by who her girlfriend is, what she does for a living and the general atmosphere and society of young Hollywood we can safely speculate that she’s probably in for drug rehabilitation. It’s in her eyes, and you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think she’s been smoking a bowl or doing a few lines.

    With that said, I still dig her.

    • I’ve been exhausted and stressed and depressed for nine years straight. I never knew this was something that warranted medical attention.

      i think that is the comment people have a problem with. its fine to speculate that she may be using the excuse of depression as a cover up for drug abuse but it is not ok to suggest that if she is suffering from depression is is not “something that warents medical attention”.

  • I’m with you Wendie, and I know exactly what you mean. I couldn’t afford the time off work to get treated for depression, exhaustion, etc. I’ve been treated for severe clinical depression for 12 years, but have never had the time or money to sit back and really get help. So yeah, I’m pretty jealous too!

  • she comes from serious money, her family owns like 1/2 of london. the fact that she works at all is kinda baffling to me, that she’s not some “paris”ite (pun intended). and talk about stress, if lindsay lohan was my girlfriend it would take every ounce of self control not to smack her around like once a week at least.
    if i was her i’d take some time off, go to college, and pursue a career that doesn’t involve spinning records in the middle of the coke scene. be like brad pitt and do architecture or something.
    study cultural anthropology and write stunning articles comparing the hollywood club scene to the pygmies or some shit.

  • Give me a break,why is it only famous people suffer from exhaustion. I’m sure there are millions of people who have a much harder life who just deal with it and get through it. Half don’t have health care to afford going to the ER. There is something else going on. Drink a gatorade if your so dehydrated the rest of America does. And Blah blah, I’m a registered nurse so don’t try to tell me I don’t know what I’m talking about.

  • Poor Sammy, I hope she’s OK. All that travel and working weird hours and being stalked by the paps would be very stressful I imagine. However I am noticing various versions of this story being published, TMZ reckon she’s just having a ‘minor procedure’ and there was no rushing. Hopefully all is well!

  • oy vey, people!!! Does Samantha have to ask for your permission and your blessing before going to a hospital when she doesn’t feel well? You don’t even know what she has and you are here, criticizing, inventing, throwing filth over one HUMAN BEING who happens to need medical attention. I guess this is one of the reasons she is exhausted and fed up. It is incredible to see so much hate against this shy and quiet girl.

    • I know, I second what you just said here, Marina! And Samantha Ronson strikes me as a really gentle, huge-hearted, sensitive, and yes shy & quiet woman. She deserves kindness and gentility in return.

  • I hope Sam R. gets the few days’ good hospital rest she needs to recuperate and catch her breath a bit. I know how suffering from having stress/depression/not eating/not sleeping/having a super-dramatic exhausting girlfriend can do a person in. Poor Sam! Get better, bella! LiLo must be wearing her right the fuck out. Too much drama and late-night-kinda partying in that relationship, I think.

  • haha ok i’m sorry but “depression, lack of food and lack of sleep” is called “my coke dealer is in and out of court all this week and i need some goddamned yayo son”
    at least, that’s my experience?

  • Maybe… she happened to fall in love with someone who is constantly stalked by a zillion paparazzi folk. It’s probably enough to warrant a heart attack. You can’t help who you love.

  • ugh, I know. rehab sounds so relaxing. especially super rich people rehab. I wanna go ride horsies by the beach and have a 5 star chef cook all my meals and just write in a journal and not have to deal with ANYTHING

    that sounds so nice

  • oh and I could see exhaustion, especially in the form of rampant eating disorder. I mean, the girl is all bones. I think she is precious and adore her, but honestly, sooo thin. I think everyone is just “used” to her looking this way. If she was any other celeb, I think there would be more talk about her body weight. her little legs are so thin!

    regardless, get well soon samRo. I will be girl-crushin on you from afar

    • no. her whole family was famous before she started dating Lindsey. Now she is just more American-famous. The Ronsons are very well-known in England, and Sam has been having quite the busy dj schedule for years and years now


    lunes, diciembre 22, 2008

    “Song Of The Day 12.21.08 Chanukah Edition

    Happy Chanukah! Thanks for all your messages, I’m home and all good. was just pretty exhausted from traveling and working too much to buy chanukah gifts and my jewish mother was worried about me. I had good company and a jerry’s deli deivery of chicken soup and potato pancakes and am feeling much better and am back to watching all my favourite jerry bruckheimer shows!

    in the spirit of the holiday the song of the day is


    pick a song, any song.

    also please take time to help out those in need this holiday season.
    ’tis the season

    take good care and stay warm.

    De momento viendo:
    Without a Trace – The Complete Second Season
    Fecha de publicación: 2007-03-13 “.

  • Just to emphasize the point of how serious depression is here’s my story. My mother has had it for some time now, but when she first started really suffering the symptoms, I had to grow up real quick and raise my kid brother. And now I’m just kinda wishing I can experience being a teenager.


  • Its kind of freaky that people base their opinions on her being depressed or a user based on the sketchy reports from different outlets. All of those reports told a different story. So really all that seems clear is that she went to the hospital and that she felt exhausted. I have to agree that wendies post was a little mean. Burn outs happen to a lot of people you don’t need to be on drugs to have one. And if she was actually depressed /although report is clearly BS) it really wouldn’t be that funny.

    People need stop hating on this chick, she has as far as I know done nothing wrong apart from enter into a realtionship with a pap target and hollywood pin up and also not trying to adhere to conventional standards of female beauty which seems to be what a lot of people find provocative. Sam Ronson is actually a talented person and a really cool and polite chick, all this judging is based on close mindedness and prejudices.

    • You said exactly what I was thinking! People seem to hate her simply because she is not afraid to be different.

  • Samantha is so sick because she is so skinny thin . I believe that she is bulimic or anexoria . She shouldn’t dating any girls or women just dating men periods or she will die from being skinny thin .

  • Wow. I have no clue what this blog’s contribution to the world is, talk about a bunch of inane drivel. When the revolution comes people like you will probably just curl up in a ball and die because they are infected with the stupidity and lack of common sense shared by basically every part of media (news, hollywood…you name it). And for the record if you have been depressed for nine years you should have sought out medical help EIGHT AND A HALF YEARS AGO, but you were too busy living vicariously through a bunch of half-wit empty skulled morons making reality television, sex tapes, flaunting wealth and lying their asses off to be wanted. Pathetic. You know what the best part of this is? I’ll never be back here to see what lame reasoning you have for forfeiting your life to celebs.