Today's Evil Beet Gossip


I got this email today from a representative of the Bloggers Challenge:
Today is the last day of the Bloggers Challenge! As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve all been super-impressed and touched by the generosity of Evil Beet readers. I’ll send an update on Monday with a final report on your personal impact, but consider this an early thank you for all your hard work in keeping your challenge page up to date with new projects and repeatedly posting about us! It’s a tough year for fundraising for us (with the economy and it being an election year), so we’re especially grateful for your help!
You guys have been blowing away expectations!!! We're the little gossip blog who could. Thank you SO MUCH to those who participated, and, to those who haven't yet, please consider making a small (or large!!!) donation today. Just a few dollars from you can make a huge difference in the lives and educations of these low-income kids. I have been so incredibly proud of my readers this month. I know times are tough economically for everyone, but you guys have been digging deep and helping others, and it makes me so honored to have you as readers. If you haven't donated yet, I'd love to see you do it today. To choose a project to support, click here for the Evil Beet Challenge page. />I got this email today from a representative of the Bloggers Challenge: Today is the last day of the Bloggers Challenge! As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve all been super-impressed and touched by the generosity of Evil Beet readers. I’ll send an update on Monday with a final report on your personal impact, but consider this an early thank you for all your hard work in keeping your challenge page up to date with new projects and repeatedly post...

Kathy Griffin Says VOTE NO ON PROP H8TE!!!


Happy Halloween from RealNetworks: Part I

I can't remember if I mentioned this before or not, but Halloween is a really big deal here at RealNetworks. Pretty much the entire company is decorated and/or dressed up. Leo is here in his ladybug costume. Our little gang all got dressed up as Harry Potter characters. (Everyone else has a wand. I have a ladybug.) Here's some early pics of all of us in our Halloween costumes ... more to follow! [gallery]...

The Evil Beet Pet Costume Gallery!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Wow, you guys, honestly, my stomach hurts right now from laughing so hard at all the photos you submitted, and my mouth hurts from smiling. Your pets are ADORABLE. Not as adorable as my dog, of course, but still. Insanely cute. I tried to group the photos by costume -- there are a bunch of bumblebees, some witches and pirates, a couple of prisoners and a handful of chickens. There was also a Yoda, a Ghostbuster, a Batman, Alice in Wonderland (who gets to be the hea...

For Halloween, Lydia Hearst Is Dressing Up as a Ridiculously Skinny Person

Oh, what's that? She always looks like that? Huh. Well, I guess she has to be better than Paris Hilton at something, right? The Other Heiress hosted a Halloween shindig at 1OAK, and no one famous showed up who wasn't related to her, but that didn't stop little ol' Lydia from posing up a storm in her series of costumes. Honestly, I don't even know what these costumes are. The first one? Might be some sort of journalist. Ah ha ha ha! Oh, Lydia. Look at you! Making fun of those paparazzi who soullessly hound you after you have your people call in tips...
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