Eh, you have to admit, she’s quite likable when she’s talking, and she’s got that whole adorable Tina Fey look going on and that cute little Alaskan accent.
Another observation: between Bristol “Juneau” Palin and her hottie boyfriend, Meghan and Cindy McCain and Sarah Palin’s hot librarian look, this has gotta be one of the most physically attractive Presidential tickets in the history of the United States. I mean, the Obama camp has Michelle, who is admittedly quite beautiful, but can she really hold up all alone against the sheer photogenicism of the McCain/Palin ticket? I can’t help but think that McCain must have taken all this into consideration as he was choosing Palin — the McCain and Palin families standing together, well, they sure do look pretty.
And I have to make yet another observation — I know many (not all!) of you are fond of getting chatty in the comments about how I should stay away from politics because I don’t know anything about it. And I’ll happily admit to the latter. I don’t know much about politics at all. But you know what, motherfuckers? I’m an adult citizen of the United States who has never been convicted of a felony (thanks to my awesome lawyers!!) and my totally uninformed ass can march to the polling center and vote however I damn well want, and it will count every bit as much as Bill Clinton’s or Karl Rove’s or your vote in the general election. And you know what else, motherfuckers? Most people in this country know even less about politics than I do. They have their opinions — either deeply or loosely held — about things like gay marriage and stem cell research and the war in Iraq and Roe v. Wade or whatever, but, when it comes down to it, they understand the short- and long-reaching impact of economic and foreign and domestic policy decisions even less than I do. But you know what’s super duper funny? Their vote counts! Yes! It does! Just as much as yours, Mr. Genius Political Ingenue Who Occasionally Enjoys Leaving Unpleasant Comments on Celebrity Gossip Blogs.
So, frankly, the fact that my understanding of politics — or lack thereof — is representative of the majority of Americans actually makes my opinions more valuable than the opinions of people who know big words and important-sounding phrases and statistics and history and read The Economist and whatnot. Because I’m going to make my decision based entirely on what I see and hear and think on the surface, because I’m not equipped with the economic, historical or international framework to delve a whole lot deeper than that. And that makes me unique among American voters only to the extent that I am willing to admit that publicly. That’s kind of one of the grotesque beauties of politics in a functional democracy: I don’t have to know what I’m talking about for my opinion to matter more than the people who do know what they’re talking about.
I’m just saying.
This is the first time I have posted on your website, but I had to post about this one. I applaud you and totally agree with what you wrote. You seem to have a great understanding of politics to me and seem very intelligent. Whoever is leaving unpleasant comments is obviously insane or maybe he/she needs to get “hooked on phonics” so they can better grasp what is being said.
This is the first time I have posted on your website, but I had to post about this one. I applaud you and totally agree with what you wrote. You seem to have a great understanding of politics to me and seem very intelligent. Whoever is leaving unpleasant comments is obviously insane or maybe he/she needs to get “hooked on phonics” so they can better grasp what is being said.
This is why I want to get a sex change and have your baby Beet! Isn’t it funny that they come to YOUR site and tell YOU what to do. I know, lets go crash THEIR trailer parks and slap the Pabst out of THEIR hands. I’m just saying.
Right now, politicians are sort or celebrities… at least until the election is over. I don’t see why people throw a fuss over Beet blogging about them. There’s a scroll down button on most keyboards.. if you aren’t interested in reading about politics just use the damn button and skip the post. Lord knows I use it every time she posts about that giant horse headed Michael Phelps.
Haha. I love you Beet. <3
PS. I got yo’ back. Let’s take these motherfuckers DOWN!
God, she sounds like Frances McDormand in Fargo. I hate politics so I reserved forming an opinion of Palin until after I heard her speak. After watching her – not a fan. She doesn’t sound much like a leader of anything and I could sooner picture her on Dr. Phil yelling at her neighbor about something that happened at her kid’s hockey game then sitting across from Putin telling him to knock off the B.S. in Georgia. The Republicans should have known they would have a tough go of it after nominating a guy a queen of diamonds away from starting a war…
Not to mention, who’s writing her speeches? Obama proactively tells everyone to back off her family and daughter and the first thing she does is go after him… not really the way to ingratiate the fence-sitters and ex-Hillarians that McCain obviously selected her to appease. I certainly understand, just by her acceptance to run with McCain, that she disagrees with Obama/Biden’s position, but if you can’t be diplomatic AND lead with your strengths, then you’re not much good. It seems to me their platform is “We aren’t as bad as Obama/Biden” rather than “We’re better.”
Hey Beet, you crack me up. Glad to read that you don’t take people’s BS comments to heart! :-) Besides, you should just threaten to vote opposite one of the loudmouths just to cancel their vote. :-)
You go girl :) You rock. The Republican ticket is damn good lookin’ and I love that you’re puttin that out there!
You have got to do some research. Even if you don’t take a liking to politics you absolutely need to know what is going on. I felt the same way towards it but I realized how bad everything was after I watched the corporation (which I recommend to you). After that I just became highly interested in how much these “corporations” were involved with politicians as well as taking control over peoples lives…. its pretty damn scary. Also, I recommend you check out Ron Paul as well as Dennis Kucinich, they may not be “popular” but they sure as hell aren’t afraid to talk about what is really happening unlike Mcain who is absolutely stupid.
Rock on Beet.
After reading your rant I just loved how used motherfucker. Too funny!
You do NOT need to know a damn thing about politics in order to express your view on what is going on right now. Anyone who has suggest otherwise should shut themselves up nicely. I’m proud that people, no matter their background or level of political knowledge, are taking the initiative and getting themselves involved and informed. Isn’t that, after all, the American spirit? You go, EB!
(P.S. I’m loving your coverage, very nice.)
That’s the Beet we love! :)
I think Palin’s speech was scary good.
And her kids are cutie pies, her family IS pretty. Have you seen the little girl licking her hand and then trying to smooth down the baby’s hair?
And what’s with the clown figure they led out of the room?
But most importantly, Beet, you’re amazing! :)
Oh my. And I just as I thought “at least it can’t get worse than Bush…” It seems that it can. That woman is – however hot and seemingly likable – absolutely crazy!
High taxes would make things worse for those who are not well off?? What are you Palin – stupid? I live in Denmark and I pay 60% of my payment in taxes. Therefore I get FREE EDUCATION, FREE MEDICAL TREATMENT, lots and lots of welfare benifits.. The idea of the high taxes is to help those in need, you idiot.
And what’s with “Obama wants to seek diplomatic solutions with terrorists .. we know better, McCain will start war instead”.. Seriously, these republicans are soo war horny.. WTF??
I hope the American people sees reason and votes for brains rather than beauty…..
Just had to get that rant of my chest.
Other than that, as always a great blog Beet. Go you!
Nice post, Beet. I wish more people would just put it out there.
I think,str, that the ‘clown figure’ that security people led out of the arena was a protester, because she kept looking over her shoulder and making the peace sign (that was the peace sing, right?).
There is another fascinating aspect of the RNC that the press is not covering – the St. Paul police bursting into homes of local protesters, claiming that there are reports that there are chemicals or bomb building materials in the residence, not finding any, and then arresting people and sometimes their under age 16, even under age 6, children with them.
Isn’t it wnderful living in the U.S. where we don’t have to worry about silly things like ciil rights??!!!
Trust me, the dirt on these candidates is facinating, and a lot mre interesting than most of the stuff put on gossip blogs these days,
I really hope they don’t win.
well if it boils down to voting, i suppose your opinion (vote) would count just as much as the political genius’ opinion, not more… but love how you wrote it. am addicted to beet.
Remember, Frances McDormand was SMART in “Fargo” too. She’s the one who figured it all out.
Now, however, let’s see how Sarah does WITHOUT the teleprompter.
Rock the vote Beet! The people of this country need to pull there heads from their tightly clenched asses, get informed and make a decision! The don’t need to be spweing their judgements about because the mojority of teh people who piss and moan about politics DON’T VOTE. So to all the fucktards out there that don’t even have a voter registration card…. shut the fuck up and let those that do speak.
Beet/Biden 08
Geez, a little extreme don’t you think? I missed the codicil to the First Amendment that required a voter registration card to exercise freedom of speech! :-)
beet, you are amazing. And also brilliant, and clearly a comic genius. That gives you like 10,000 more points than stuffy grad school politicos with over-tight assholes. or whoever it is leaving ridiculous comments on your blog.
I agree everyone is entitled to express an opinion, and mine is that most politicians suck.
The fact that we are not experts in macroeconomics or foreign affairs is not a good reason not to allow ourselves to have a view on a subject.
I came to the sad conclusion that many politicians only get to know what they are doing, once they start working on the task they were given, and sometimes they never get atrue grasp on what’s going on, because they are more upset in getting their perks, than interested on the problems of the people that elected them.
So, I wish you all the luck USA, knowing your true weight in world stability and progress.
And I hope I wrote/punctuated properly, and where is matters.
a few of the millions of favorable Blog observations;
If those 40 million aborted babies were still alive.. there wouldn’t be a need for debate.
Sarah Palin likes to kick butt and kill and cook Caribou.. She’s all out of caribou..
Sarah did what I’ve been wanting GW to do for 8 years. Fight back at the biased, hateful, MSM hacks — because you can’t win no matter what you say!
There’s something of the cool, hot smart Librarian about her I like.
I have NEVER been impressed by any politician as I was impressed by Sarah Palin tonight.
She didn’t duck and dodge, she took the fight directly to Obama, Biden and, most of all, the media.
She didn’t give us pie in the sky rhetoric, she told us what she planned to do to kick this country back into shape.
What a Lady !
The future is here: Inspiring. Self-confident. Conservative. Unpretentious. Accomplished. Polished. Funny. Ruthless. Feminine. Strong. And knows how to drill for oil.
She own’s the ‘I am every woman’ song.
Tonight we saw the present and the future of the Republican Party (and it looks great). Now it is our turn and our responsibility to help John McCain and Sarah Palin have the ability to deliver on the promise. Talk to your friends and neighbors and give what you can. Let’s git ‘er done.
She looked natural and comfortable on stage which was a big plus, didn’t flub her lines, and it was evident that she worked WITH the McCain camp on the speech and didn’t simply rattle off a pre-prepared one. I don’t think she wears a Wonder Woman costume under her dress suit and, unlike the Obamanites, am not AFRAID that she wears a Wonder Woman costume under her dress suit. That’s their real problem with her, and if they were scared out of their wits by her they wouldn’t have attacker her so viciously over the past 5 days.
There is no Queen Pelosi or Hillary speech, including the one she gave at the Dem convention, that comes close to this in content or delivery. Face it, those two haven’t got what it takes to deliver a sincere speech and Pelosi only has the one facial expression. Frozen distain.
Sarah Palin brought the Republicans back to life last night. She stood up to the “good ole boys” media, the Left, and the elitists, and she opened up with both barrels to do it. Who could ask for more? She was simply outstanding and no one with half a brain could deny it. I loved it when she said her daughters were strong and mentioned them by name, as well as her sons. She will stand up to her enemies, of whom there are many, and she will do us proud. God bless her and help her through the slime that’s sure to come her way. I’m buying a new yard sign with both names on it today. Go McCain/Palin!
way to go beet! <3 ya!
Beet, you are the best.
Seriously, I’m European and we are scared shitless about what the next US president will be. We are scared of (some of) the clueless Amercian public, what will they do, will they screw it all up again? You go and talk, and talk and talk. But pls vote Democrat!
Beet, your blog, your words, F ’em if they don’t like it… I thought Palin did a great job last night and was funny to see her daughter and her boyfriend all cleaned up and looking good too… I bet he won’t be talking about being an f’ing redneck anymore.
Isn’t that the point of a blog? You get to put out anything you feel like talking about?
:-) Beet youare fan-freakin-tastic!
Um, you’re not going to go very far calling your readers mother fuckers. Plus it doesn’t help that you’re pretty fucking ignorant. But as long as you’re proud of that!
i agree, you are amazing beet. as much as i understand the disgust with questioning the pregnancies and what not, i think it has to be mentioned when discussing this beautiful, well-spoken woman’s ability to lead. her own story of giving birth in april leads me to think that one of the following must be true: she shows exceptionally poor judgement and put her baby’s life at risk, she didn’t care if she put her baby’s life at risk (natural very late term abortion anyone?), or she’s lying and has been lying. think about it, are there any other possibilities?
Well put, gumball!
stick to the one thing you are really good at..
airing out your useless opinions is awfully perez hilton of you.
dont branch out, dont push the limits on what this site stands for….id rather hear from you how fat you are and how you are fixing it.
haha ‘ you know what motherfers? ‘ love it beet.
Palin you suck ass. Hearing what you have to say scares the crap out of me. Yah ok I’m proud of a woman ‘ making it ‘ regardless of pol. party, but come on. As usual we really only ‘made it’ for a mans political gain. IMO – im thinking she is not ready to lead the US. and there are other more experienced women (if he was going to choose a woman for his gain in the polls) that he could have chosen.
Then again we all know why he chose her – for everything BUT her own brain and skill in governing.
On a side note – did everyone notice how her whole family except for the father who gets the hand shake looks like they’d rather be hugging a dead fish than john ‘turtle head’ mccain? Love it.
Also, they sure cleaned baby daddy up.
Sarah Palin is a disgrace and a hypocrite. She CUT special needs funding (education) by 62% (maybe before Trig-which just shows how SELF serving she truly is). She said YES to the “bridge to nowhere” (earmarks anyone) until she realized that ALASKA had to pony up money to match…I mean, I could go on and on but I won’t. I’ll just leave it at those facts. Very very upsetting to see that people are falling for her rhetoric bullshit.
oh, and to blame the media as if every rational person wouldn’t question her judgement or truthfulness after hearing that she was on her fifth pregnancy (an at risk one no less) leaking amniotic fluid and still gave a speech and flew across the country before going to a hospital. never mind that the alaskan legislature had already put $100,000 aside to investigate troopergate and possibly impeach her- this was before the vp nomination. yes, the media has been talking about her, but come on! her action have been ridiculous how could they not comment on both palin and mccain’s questionable judgement?
Hey Beet…what do you have against the Economist?
Wow… mindboggling…
Oh, Beet, I’ve always kind of enjoyed you, but this takes the cake, and it makes me really sad. Seriously. I like you so it’s kind of hard for me to take you to task, but I just can’t help it. I guess the fact that you more or less called me a “motherfucker” makes it a little easier to respond.
You’re bragging about that? Seriously?
In a “functioning” democracy we have an obligation to be well-informed before we vote. And you’re saying that since the majority of Americans knows the same or less than you it’s ok because our democracy functions??? I wouldn’t necessarily call our government a “functioning” democracy – just look at the last two presidential elections that were highly controversial and fully fraudulent. Here we are brutally forcing democracy on people all over the world and we don’t even know how to function as one properly ourselves! You simply point out, when the majority of citizens approach it the same way you do – based on impressions of individual personalities, based on the surface, on feelings- bragging about being un- or apolitical – that our democracy is a joke. Yeah, that’s being a good citizen.
Our policy making machine (legislative branch – in case you didn’t know) is more or less controlled by big corporations at the moment. Is that a democracy? Sounds more like corporate facism to me, much akin to what went on in pre-war Germany. In fact, in the course I teach on the rise of Nazism and Racism in Germany from 1919 to 1945, I talk to my classes about how Hitler rose to power. Are you even aware of how that happened? Let me tell you that political apathy among the citizens of that country fed right into his hand and aided and abetted his rise to power. And you’re extolling your “right” to be apathetic and calling me a motherfucker for challenging people to stand up and accept some responsibility?? That ought to send shivers down your spine. We do have a responsibility as citizens of a democracy. Period.
I see this is coming from a 26 or 27 year old, so I’ll take it with a grain of salt. Wait until you have a family and children and a mortgage and a serious health issue and $10 a gallon gas and stuff like that, then maybe these things will take on a little more importance for you? I only ask because it seems that it will have to affect you personally before you’ll feel a real responsibility to be informed. Who knows. I see this constantly in the students I deal with in my classes at the university – so self-absorbed and self-centered in their approach to life, much more so than the kids I had about 10-12 years ago. Here’s my advice to you: Go live in a foreign country for awhile, get some perspective on our own country. OR Maybe when you’re in one of your “funks” trying to deal with life, you could spend some time contemplating the kind of world you want to live in and then start making personal choices that lead to that.
For now, go ahead and be funny (?) and call everyone of us who cares enough to inform ourselves “motherfuckers” for really wanting to be involved, for wanting to take on the responsibility of being a good citizen in a democracy and for challenging others to do the same. In the end, if we end up with a government that continues down the path that we are on right now, then you and all your apathetic fellow citizens have no one to blame but yourselves.
Yeah, sorry, Beet… but I couldn’t just let that go. Maybe you should stick more to the celebrity trashing. Isn’t that way more fun anyway?
p.s. what is so physically ugly about Obama or Joe or Jill Biden or the Biden or Obama children? I find that ticket just as photogenic as a self-described pitbull with lipstick and a plastic-surgery enhanced millionaire, trophy wife.
hmmm…somebody didn’t get her granola this morning.
Bring in compulsory voting, I say. In Australia, we HAVE to vote on election day or we get fined. Plus our Prime Ministers aren’t celebrities.
To all the haters: People only care about what matters to THEM. thats society. if people care about the state of the ‘roads’ or the ‘hospitals’ thats fine, but if people DON’T care, like Beet, it isn’t for anyone of us to judge.
Beet lives in America too.
she deserves the right to vote however she wants, just as much as you do.
YOU come to this site. YOU read her blogs, YOU care about her opinion. so instead of trying to change her opinion (which is prominent in north america) why don’t you just accept it?
deal with it.
(and i am sure beet was intentionally writing the post to call everyone who keeps themselves informed “motherfuckers” – it was just a symptom of being extremely pissed off at people who try to push their view on others)
I’m with ya beet.
Sarah Palin is a LIAR who continues to deceive the American Public.
As reported in the Anchorage Daily News,
Secret’s out: Palin pregnant (03/06/08)
SEVEN MONTHS ALONG: Even her staff was unaware that the first family was expecting a fifth child.
Published: March 6th, 2008 12:02 AM
Last Modified: March 6th, 2008 07:48 PM
JUNEAU — Gov. Sarah Palin shocked and awed just about everybody around the Capitol on Wednesday when she announced she’s expecting her fifth child.
“I thought it was becoming obvious,” Gov. Sarah Palin said. “You know, clothes getting snugger and snugger.”
The governor, who recently turned 44, told a handful of reporters as she was leaving work to expect a new member of the first family, then headed to a reception at the Baranof Hotel to feast on king crab.
Palin said she’s already about seven months along, with the baby due to arrive in mid-May.
That the pregnancy is so advanced astonished all who heard the news. The governor, a runner who’s always been trim, simply doesn’t look pregnant.
Even close members of her staff said they only learned this week their boss was expecting.
“I thought it was becoming obvious,” Palin said. “You know, clothes getting snugger and snugger.”
But people just couldn’t believe the news.
“Really? No!” said Bethel state Rep. Mary Nelson, who is close to giving birth herself.
“It’s wonderful. She’s very well-disguised,” said Senate President Lyda Green, a mother of three who has sometimes sparred with Palin politically. “When I was five months pregnant, there was absolutely no question that I was with child.”
Well Beet welcome to the world of politics. I always end up getting pissed off too
Am I the only person who finds little Piper’s shadowing of her mother a trifle annoying? I know she’s just a little girl (and an adorable one at that) but, several times it’s looked as though she’s run smack into her mother when Sarah turned around to walk across the stage in another direction. Someone instruct the child to stay in one place for god’s sake! She’s considered ‘mature’ enough to hold the baby… then certainly she should be able to follow a simple directive to just stand on the side lines with the rest of the family instead of parading along side her mother like she’s the star in a kiddie pageant.
I read your political opinions just as much as I read your gossip columns, I’m equally fascinated with your willpower to stop smoking, your love of your feisty little dog and your opinion on Vivica Fox’s outfit as I am your opinion on Palins speech. And why am I just as interested? Because you make being interested in ‘all’ current events (and personal) enjoyable to read. Unlike MW and jojo who do not have famous blogs… and why don’t they have famous blogs? Because after I read the first three sentences of they’re posts I thought blah blah blah blah and moved on to the next. Yes we get it… you’re smart, good job guys. Now leave Beet and her opinion alone, that’s what free speech is all about. If it were ‘free speech only if your a self righteous asshole’ then we wouldn’t be here and I would still be ignoring what you have to say.
Excellent, excellent points Beet. But one thing you forgot to mention…. this is a celebrity gossip website… not a political opinion website. I visit this website just about everyday and usually first. Normally it’s a breathe of fresh air (all in fun, completely hilarious, nothing too serious about it, purely for entertainment purposes). Since all this over indulging in politics I’m usually going to Popsugar, D-listed, JustJared and Mollygood instead. You should totally say whatever the hell you want to say about whatever the hell subject you want to talk about….. but I, as a reader, can totally go somewhere else. It’s a sad shame that you’re gonna loose readers b/c of politics when that’s not even the reason we come to your site. I even love the dog posts b/c they are interesting and fun. Politics seems to ruin a lot of things and now it’s completely ruining evilbeet.
Just a thought.
I still think you’re awesome as hell.
are you championing ignorance and complacency???
i won’t be back to your page, and i suggest many others boycott such a person.
WOOHOO!!!! Well said! Good for you!!!! I love you Beet :-*
also… what does that lovely ammendment say. The good one, about free speach and all that… I may not like it, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it… Blog on.
Hahahaha. I can’t believe you called Michelle Obama “quite beautiful”. That WAS a joke, right?
Save your political screed for another site. Beet doesn’t need to be educated by you. Her opinion is just as important as yours, based on her experiences and education.
sarah palin is an idiot who couldn’t even manage to run a town of 10,000 people. unlike ms. palin, who gave no concrete examples of anything last night, i will give you some examples: 1) when she was elected mayor of waisila it had zero debt, but when she left it was 22 million dollars in debt with nothing to show for it. 2) she is the subject of an ethics violation investigation. 3)she tried to fire the county librarian because the librarian refused to remove books from public library shelves that palin found “offensive” (the town rallied around the librarian and palin was forced to rehire her) 4) she cut funding for special education 5)she cut funding for teen pregnancy programs. she did speak well, but her “just a hockey mom” routine was downright embarassing. yes her family is good looking, so are the obamas, but when did that become the litmus test for whether or not you should vote for someone? honestly beet, i thought you were smarter than that. i guess not.
Your rant is exactly why you should keep your mouth shut about politics! Your ignorance is quite extraordinary and your opinion can be seen by some as destructive. Regardless of what you want to think politics affects our everyday life. Dont believe me, then ask the people losing there damn homes! Or the families of those who lost there lives 3 years ago due to the f’up that is out government in New Orleans and this continuing war. Your vote only matters when you have put some thought behind it. Not doing so is like I stated earlier…destructive. Ex the last damn 8 years…and that coming from a Republican. But no longer!
p.s. still love the Evil Beet website regardless of your thoughts on politics.
your funny man, haha
yeah, im more in formed than the next guy more likely than not, and I have to say I am voting 3rd party… this election is a joke, so might as well make a stance by voting off the ticket and be one of the point that voices out that none of these people are qualified to actually do the job, and to even suggest this as a real election is insane…
I would say this is as bad at the last pres. election, but it was Bush and Kerry… That was pretty damn bad… the guy that got us in Iraq for personal reasons more than what is best for the US, verses a guy that just wasn’t qualified. At least Al Gore was qualified… but we had Democrats in the office for 8 years already, and it was time to get a little more aggressive. Now we are too aggressive and need to get it calmed down, but not how the Democraps are wanting to do things now…
After talking to many people in the medical field, strictly on the health care for the individuals, the Universal Healthcare idea is broken, doesnt work in other countries, and we need to figure out something else instead, because that massively hurts the average individual even though it pulls up the lower end of the spectrum, and doesnt even effect the rich.
I donno, I am just another idiot who hasn’t committed a felony, yet… haha.
Go BEET!!!!!
It’s almost like Beet knows she has to cover the Palin story to compete with other sites but is too ignorant to do so in an intelligent fashion so she just says “Well fuck you, mother fuckers!”
Intelligent argument, indeed.
I’m with you, Beet~~~~~~~~~~~~
rock on……………
On one hand, I want to applaud Beet for her stepping up the the plate and telling whomever is trying to educate her to fuck off. Yes, way to go girl. I know just how annoying it is when others try to tell you to that their political opinions are soooo much better than yours and that they know sooo much more about politics than you do. Cause seriously, in the end, we both get to vote.
But on the other hand, I totally and completely agree with JoJo. It is our responsibility to be aware of all sides and topics. Ignorance in America is actually embarrassing– esspecially when you go abroad, and most often, people sound so uninformed when they go off on their political beliefs. I myself am extremely embarrassed at how little I know about politics, and I consider myself thoroughly educated in Poli Sci. I agree with JoJo, but I also think it is just SO much freakin work to stay on top of this game… and in the end, after we’ve read the Post and the Times and the Economist and BBC and listened to MPR or whatever news, don’t we just come right back to our same instinctive decision that we made before when we were ignorant?
So, wait…having a graduate degree and a tight asshole is a bad thing?
jojo, I doubt we agree much at all on our political positions, but I completely agree with your point about getting educated about politics. It’s infuriating to me that so much of what people will be using as decision-making tools is what is spoon-fed to them. On both sides.
Quirkygirlkitten, I suggest you do some more reading about the $20 million debt and what it was used for. I’d argue that your ‘nothing to show for it’ is incorrect, but I think you should do your own research on it – nothing I say will convince you any differently. While you’re at it, do some research on the Annenberg Challenge and their budget woes. Just so you’re getting both sides of the picture as far as managing finances.
A few observations for the Beet: The first “motherfuckers” was cute, but the second one was overkill. Your opinion and vote don’t count more than anyone else’s, they count just the same; that’s democracy for you. And I don’t think you are as uninformed as you make yourself out to be.
The fact that posts like this get 60-plus responses while some of the celebrity ones get a half-dozen means that you’re on target with your subject matter. And I think you’re funny, AND I take everything you say with a grain of salt.
I’m just worried about people who base their vote on how “likable” someone is on camera, or how cute their family is, etc. and I think your comments are going to be misconstrued by those people as a justification for their lack of involvement.
I guess I have a question for those of you who think we should all “get informed.” Can you please outline how, exactly, the average American voter should go about getting informed? What do you recommend? Reading Newsweek? Watching CNN? Or Fox News? Reading the paper? Reading the candidates’ websites? Reading Wonkette? Daily Kos? Any way you slice it, you’re still being spoonfed someone else’s thoughts and opinions. You’re not coming to these conclusions yourself.
How might I, in the time between now and November, “get informed” about the election without just reading someone else’s opinions on the candidates and their platforms?
anyone ever read the republic? jesus christ.
Are you fucking serious? There are thousands of ways to get informed. If you don’t want to be influenced by others’ opinions, YES go to the candidates websites, YES listen to their speeches, YES know where they stand on the issues, YES research their voting records, and finally YES grow up, contribute intelligently to the political dialog and don’t be a fuckin retard.
One good way to develope an understanding of the political issues that invade our collective consciousness today( If we are at all conscious,that is), is to find two opposing media outlets such as MSNBC and Fox News, or, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal and spend a hour each day watching, or, reading from these opposing sources of news and opinion. After doing this for a relatively short period of time, any fair minded person will come to the conclusion that Republicans are, for the most part, neo-fascist shit heads who should never be elected to any office in this country higher than that of dog catcher, and, only, if there is no one else running for that office.
Damn. I love this post. I’m going to hang it on my cube wall, motherfuckers. And by the way, I had the hot librarian look WAY before Palin’s botoxed ass did.
Well, you can get informed….deeply informed if you like, but in the end, it all goes through your filtering system of your own values and experiences and 9 times outta 10 you’re gonna likely come back to the core of what you previously thought.
Worldviews don’t change much. Its ingrained. Trying to change someone’s worldview on politics is almost impossible. Which is why we have political parties in the first place.
You can know where the candidates SAY they stand, you can know what they SAY in their speeches, and voting records are difficult to parse since so often bills have many different issues clumped together. You don’t know what they’ll do when they’re in office, and, even if they do exactly as they say they will, you don’t know what the far-reaching impacts of those decisions will be, or how they will affect you and your family. Like I said, you’re just navigating based on what you see and hear on the surface. Knowing where the candidates stand is easy — knowing the impacts of those stances is hard. And the impacts, well, that’s what matters, dear. It’s more complicated than you make it out to be. But, like I figured, you’re a surface kind of gal. Don’t be such a fucking retard. ;)
Good for you responding to MW.
I believe the term you should use is “fucktard”, instead of “fucking retard”.
I have written before and I feel rather compelled at this moment to reply in defense of Beet. Calling a celebrity blogger – an American citizen, mind you – who has chosen to voice her political beliefs, to whatever scope and extent they may be, “ignorant” because she perhaps does not express a ‘concrete’ argument (I say ‘concrete’ because in the world of academia, one’s argument is concrete if it articulately cites and makes use of sound evidence) does NOT make her ignorant. Firstly, for her to expand the horizons of her blog to include such insight is commendable. Being a female celebrity blogger makes one an easy target for humiliation; “Oh, you couldn’t possibly know about politics! Why don’t you blog about Britney, okay?” THAT kind of thinking is ignorant. That kind of mentality represses individuals from expressing their beliefs, whatever they may be. Isn’t that belittling ideology representative of dictatorships, in reference to what jojo had written? (Though I need not further connote jojo’s history lesson about the rise of fascism in Europe – oh, do you ever discuss European fascism at large? Such as Franco in Spain? Because that is fascinating, having all these different types of Spain engaged in a civil war…but that is a digression to make such references.) If you disagree with whatever Beet may have written, of course you’re entitled to a disagreement. But calling an American citizen who will be participating in November’s election, and who has chosen to follow the Democratic/Republic National Conventions (rather than reply upon getting the lowdown from, say, a newspaper or, god forbid, Fox News), “ignorant” makes the offender, not the active American citizen, ignorant.
You don’t need to hold a degree from an Ivy League college, read The Economist or The New York Times, or even watch CNN to be worthy of discussing American politics; nor does having such a degree or reading or watching these make you not ‘well-informed’ – what makes one “well-informed,” when, as any GOV 100 class will teach you, the media forms our perceptions. In that fashion, the mentality that one must be ‘well-informed’ (and not simply informed) is elitist. Political discourse can take any shape and any language, and from ANY person.
Condemning an American individual as ‘ignorant’ for engaging in political discourse, regardless of its form, is oxymoronic in effect.
As I have said before: YOU GO, B!
You could do what Alan said – find some news channels and newspapers with opposing views and read the articles and try to piece together your own view through them. Also, in another post a couple days ago, I commented about finding your own personal philosophy. Really take some time and think deeply about the kind of nation you want to live in. What does it look like? Think about the cause and effect of poverty and wealth, war and peace, literacy and illiteracy, health care or no health care, for example and try to piece together your own “utopia” if you will.
When I was much, much younger and first becoming politically aware I was confused about where I stood on things, too. So I took a class in political economy and really learned a lot about the way the world works and how the marketplace affects daily life. It intrigued me so much that I ended up studying political science and getting a degree in it. I also studied abroad for a year and got to see my own political culture through a different perspective. It’s amazing what that can do for one. I guess studying abroad won’t happen before November, though. :-) Maybe you could try to read or watch news reports from other countries. You can surely find these on the internet.
I know it is work to inform oneself and sometimes it’s even hard work, but it is what we owe our democracy, in my opinion. I hope you aren’t upset with me for stating my opinion on this. As I said above, I enjoy you and your blog. As opposed to other people, including you, I won’t call anyone a “motherfucker” or a “fucktard” or even a “fucking retard.” I will just implore you to make an effort. That’s all.
I just wanted to add that I had a slimfast this morning and am feeling really iffy right about now….
Um, she basically admitted to being ignorant, no? And fine, I’ll use fucktard instead. Better than mother fucker, right? And you can seriously say I am a surface kind of gal and at the same time proclaim you base your opinions on the way candidates look. Really now!
*can’t seriously say
So you don’t have the ability to listen to other peoples opinions on both sides and then make up your own? Politics isn’t an all-or-nothing type of thing which a lot of people think it is. You disagree on some things and you agree on others. No matter what anyone says, no one will ever agree 100% with any one person ever. And it goes the same when you turn it around. It is impossible to disagree 100% of the time with any one person.
How about this….. 3 of the four candidates are from the senate. How about you look up their voting records? I know that will blow some peoples minds but voting records are public info and can be found very, VERY easily. You just have to actually put some effort into it though…. You know reading and retaining the information. That’s where everything usually goes terribly wrong.
I love you, Beet.
it’s funny you asked for ways to get informed yet shot down every single one…. including looking at voting records. Voting records at least show you what a person decided to do. And yes it does mean you have to know what they are voting on…. again more reading and retaining….. And yes it is super lame that we have to go look at the voting records to get through all the bullshit…. but it’s the reality of the situation.
I still have the same opinion, and this over here,
is a blazing debate,
but maybe politicians do not deserve that much.
I still have hope that the USA will emerge at its best.
I am a social democrat,
or maybe I should write
I was one,
before disappointment stroke me
the swearing mode of the blog…well, I don’t care much about that
as I don’t feel affected by it.
It’s just tha kind of things you say in America
but probably don’t like reading
when you consider it to be offensive.
Here’s my decision process. Republican president for 8 years. Did things happen that I liked? No. Okay, this time I will not vote Republican.
And that’s how most people are going to vote, no matter how much they read or look up voting records. Or maybe I’m just cynical.
I’m not saying most people are going to vote for Obama, I’m saying most people are going to vote how they’ve always voted.
sorry “struck me”
that’s what happens when you go med all the time
I am so sorry I actually had to get some work done and I couldn’t play in the banter all afternoon. In my earlier post, I said that “They don’t need to be spweing their judgements about because the majority of the people who piss and moan about politics DON’T VOTE. So to all the fucktards out there that don’t even have a voter registration card…. shut the fuck up and let those that do speak.”
It was harsh, but the point that I was really trying to make was that people piss and moan about the final outcome of the election, when they didn’t do anything other than blog about it! It is a free country and freedom of speech is a right that we take for granted. BUT how to expect change to occur when you can’t take the time to vote. I remember the last presidnetial election, we had crappy rainy weather and so many people I spoke to about teh election had the balls to say that tehy didn’t go and vote because it was raining and windy out. Those were the people that complained the most about the outcome. We have freedom of speech because people came together and created a declaration that allows us certain rights. What is the sense of having this power and freedom if we piss away the opportunity to make a decision?
And as far as becoming informed , it’s not a matter of media , it’s a matter of record. Do a little research, find out what these candidates stand for…. not what the media outlets want you to believe. Christ if I relied on what I read in the media as the “truth” we, collectively as a society would be fucked.
No offense to Beet, I love this blog, but people spend more time trying to guess who’s butt crack is pictured on Perez than they do looking into politics. teh only time the majority of people get “into” politics is when there is scandal…. then everyone is on board…. opinions are like assholes!
Yes, Beet, actually if you want to be informed go to the web sites and journals you recommend. Then check them up against some logic and fact. Then evaluate them according to your moral compass.
You’re apathy is boring but also, when you get down to it, murderous. The American military has killed, as a low end estimate, 86,000 Iraqi civilians. This murderous military occupation will continue for the next five to ten years, at least, so expect that body count to mount. Currently, there are 4154 US military casualties, as well over 100, 000 wounded soldiers (who are, because of the attractive McCain family, not actually receiving appropriate medical care — just yesterday another wounded vet beat his 19 year old girlfriend to death!). All for a war that millions of “stupid” informed people knew was unjustified all along (remember those protesters all over the globe? probably not, your corporate media makes sure you don’t see them). That’s blood on your hands and those of other happily ignorant Americans. Good for a laugh, huh? Yuk it up, beet, you’re just lucky you were born white and privileged in America and the bombs and the guns aren’t pointing at you.
check it. The most neutral you can possibly be in today’s society. It’s like Snopes for politics.
BTW….. I’ve never come across a blogger who calls a large portion of their readers mother fuckers several times b/c they disagree. Personally I don’t agree or disagree with your opinions I just think “time and place”. A lot of bloggers reported on both sides but they didn’t go on a page rant calling their readers mother fuckers for having our own opinions all the while ranting on how you can have your own opinion. Poorly, poorly handled Beet and I’m really sad :(
DEMOCRACY IS 4 FAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m sorry, but I have to agree with Beet on this one.
If she says that she’s ignorant and dumb as a post, then SHE IS DAMN IT!
How dare you argue with her?
Don’t worry BEET I got your back.
Beet: try watching “The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart or “The Colbert Report” LOL
Honestly, Jon Stewart is pretty good for people who don’t have the attention span to read WSJournal and NYTimes and the WAPost every day.
@Anonymous: yeah…that seems so harsh the way you put it but I agree with your sentiment, which was basically the same thing I was trying to illustrate in my original post and my reference to Nazi Germany. I mean, didn’t we Americans feel outraged that no one stood up to Hitler?
And YES! Amen! We are so damn lucky to have been born privileged and our life here in this country IS A PRIVILEGE NOT a right! We have the OBLIGATION to keep it functioning well. Yeah, What I’ve been saying the whole time.
rock on Beet……oh , and rock on Liz Lemon too :)
Go ahead girlfriend, give em a piece of your mind. Besides, I feel that most people vote based on other peoples knowledge. And with you saying that you have no knowledge (of politics) you aren’t swaying those who are really just going to scribble something in come election day.
oh beet, you engaged the wild animals. never make eye contact! just keep on doing your thing with no apologies or defenses.
seriously people, beet has a first amendment right to express herself. we have the option to not read her opinions, if we don’t like them.
you also have the ability to start your own site and express yourselves.
i can only hope that people will be kinder to you than you have been to beet.
that said i think many americans have just as much distrust in the media as we do in both political parties. it is very easy to become overwhelmed by the feelings that everyone has an agenda; that they will cover only what supports their arguments and that covering lies or rumors: obama’s dad was a muslim terrorist (fox) or palin’s daughter gave birth to her “brother” (cnn) is acceptable.
i am tired of knowing a newperson’s political affiliation and having my news filtered through their “perspective.” can anyone tell me to what political party either kronkite or murrow belonged while they were reporting? no, because they were professional and impartial. they reported the news; they didn’t become the story.
so, i have to agree with beet in that it is very difficult to find an objective, factual based source of information in order to make an “informed” opinion. that said i agree with alan. i listen to two opposing organizations and schlep through the muck. but it would be so refreshing if someone would just give me who, what, where, when and how every once in a while.
Sorry, but taking the time to become at least somewhat informed doesn’t take much effort. There are many places to find information on potential candidates, and you should really do so before voting. I’m only 19 and a full time student, and I find the time to do this much.
I love your site, but shouldn’t someone who spends most of their time researching celebrities be able to apply this same concept to something that actually matters…?
Oh, and I agree that the “motherfuckers” was a little excessive. Also, this is a gossip site…not a personal blog. Maybe you should focus on practically the only reason most people visit this site: Celebrity Gossip.
Palin read a prepared speech that someone else wrote. There are however a few glimpses of her real personality during the speech. The woman definitely comes across as a ditzy soccer mom who’s political career really would have peaked as a PTA leader except for the fact that she was pretty.
The woman has a whiny voice and sounds like she comes from Wisconsin.
I would be scared as shit to have that moron as next president (since McCain has zero chance of living long enough to finish his term…the old coot has his foot half in the grave already).
…and as for people telling Beet to shut up about politics I bet you would not be talking if she supported McCain.
Not surprised Republicans are fighting someone’s right to free speech.
beet, a good way to read between the lines is to look at the money. see who is funding the campaigns(this is supposed to be public record), and who supports yes on this, no on that, etc.
you have to do some thinking for yourself to determine what it means, but it is pretty easy to figure out what someone is really up to when you see who is paying for it. i used to make a chart to make it more clear, but now i am a felon so i don’t have to worry about it anymore.
(so in order to still get my opinion to count, i have to find someone who wasn’t going to vote, then convince them to go and vote my choices. i would probably pay $5 for an obama!)
Well said, Beet. Now I know why the United States will probably be non-existent by the year 2050: Because nobody gives a shit about the real issues anymore and doesn’t take any action. Ah, the continuous dumbing down of America…you have to love it.
the only way to assess a political tendency
is looking for results,
I am aware of the multiple factors
that can give you a hard time,
trying to figure that out through a country’s History,but…
…expectations and outcomes are good assessment methods,
and if that works for medicine
which is not an exact science,
it could be used for politics as well,
albeit in a different fashion.
Palin talking about Iraq:
“Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God,” she exhorted the congregants. “That’s what we have to make sure that we’re praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God’s plan.”
I hope you don’t think that I am a McCain/Palin supporter…
I am just saying.
I agree with gumball 100%.
Oh my god you guys are so dramatic.
Beet, you can call me a motherfucker any day you need too. It won’t break my heart too badly.
AHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHA brilliant post! I repeat: AHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHA brilliant post!
I must add: At some point, the camera panned over to this old guy (doesn’t narrow it down I know) with this nose. This nose was so peculiarly shaped that I can’t stop thinking about. I really do hope that the nose makes an appearance this evening, and hopefully the cameraman will have the good sense to hold the shot a little longer, so that I may fully reflect on it.
You are right, it is very difficult to get past the rhetoric to find out the facts about politicians’ opinions, political performance, and character. But this is an extraordinarily important election, and although I am usually a-political, I think it is vital to get informed.
With the Internet at hand, getting informed is so much easier than it used to be. What I did was to run Google searches, that became successively more and more specific. When you read a good article, follow up on the links. Sometimes the most important information is on relatively obscure sites.
You will never find a completely objective source, which means you have to read and read, use your critical thinking skills, and come to your own conclusion. In the end, I suspect that the best candidate, to borrow an old Buddhist aphorism, may be the one who is likely to do the least harm.
This site address given below has a liberal bias, but I like the way they have organized information regarding Sarah Palin’s speech and career. Almost everything they reference is documented, most unusual! And lets face, all sites that address politics are biased, and the best are quite straight forward about the nature of their bias.
I think what some people aren’t understanding is that Beet is jokingly calling only a small percentage of people “motherfuckers”. These people were telling Beet to shut up on her OWN website because they didn’t agree with her choice of political party.
Basically the conservative visitors were angry because Beet wasn’t falling for the corporate run conservative media white-wash. John McCain would probably be one of the most hated candidates ever in American politics if the conservative press would properly cover McCain. Instead they have censored and edited the stories to protect him from his own gaffs, flip-flops and lies.
EB said… “Because I’m going to make my decision based entirely on what I see and hear and think on the surface, because I’m not equipped with the economic, historical or international framework to delve a whole lot deeper than that.”
Assuming you’re not busy curing cancer in your spare time, why not learn about the impacts of global economies of scale, our nation’s socio-economic history & development, and the causes and long-term effects of our foreign policies, energy decisions, and other vital issues? These issues affect you, me, and all Americans when it comes to our current and future circumstances.
Try the unbiased site if you’re curious what the parties and candidates represent. It’s a starting point at least, and issues you mentioned like Roe v Wade are fundamental candidacy platforms, whether you like it or not Beet. I have my own political opinions and I keep them to myself – it’s not my place to tell you or anyone who they should or shouldn’t vote for. But I urge you to learn WHO and WHAT you’re voting for before submitting your ballot. That’s all I request of anyone, and firmly believe it’s not too much to ask. Everyone is accountable. Knowledge is power Beet, or as my grandmother used to say…. “You can get by on charm for about 15 minutes – after that you’d better know something.â€
You also failed to recognize the real beauty of a Democracy is being able to cast a ballot for the candidate of your choice without fear of reprisal. I agree with Tigerlille’s recent post….no politician can cure all of the nation’s ills. Many of us will be headed to the polls to select the person we believe will do the least harm. But isn’t that better than the alternative???
I usually enjoy your posts, but agree you’ve strayed far from your comfort zone of gossip where you should quickly retreat. From one writer to another….stick to what you know and save the bravado for those moments – avoid topics altogether that are not your specialty or research them carefully before posting lest they come back to haunt you later. If I hedge my bets, you hope your blog would be bankable resume experience one day…a syndicated news or magazine column, editor, etc. Remember it’s a fine line between admitting what you don’t know (admirable) and boasting about it (ignorance), even in jest. The results of the latter are never flattering.
You’re right about one thing only – an ignorant vote carries the same weight as an informed and impassioned one. If you’re post is representative of the majority of Americans (which you claim are even less informed than you), I am deeply saddened by the number of ppl that have the ability and opportunity to educate themselves but choose not to delve beneath the sound bytes. This would take too much time and effort I presume, or perhaps it bores them.
Personally I’d rather you stay home this November, lest our nation’s next leader be elected based on their physical appearance (or how attractive their family appears on stage) versus their skills and strategies for fixing some things in this country that are most certainly in need of repair.
If you believe your uninformed opinion is more valid (because the masses are on your side) than those that use big words and speak in think tank lingo, I suggest you visit DC. Random people on the sidewalks here are rather politically informed and they don’t even use big words. Even our taxi drivers (many of whom cannot even vote in the US) can logically debate the pros and cons of a given party or candidate employing reasoning and critical thinking skills. So why aren’t you (and the masses) up to the challenge?
One more thought about getting informed–it’s true that a lot of what we have to rely on (website, news etc) is filtered through other people’s opinions, but–and I hope I’m not being obvious here–we all have our own internal bullshit meter that tells us whether or not a source is trustworthy. The problem comes from relying on intuition alone–it’s a tool that has to be combined with research. I’m not into politics, but I am a pretty good judge of character and I keep my eyes and ears open. And, like another poster said, I look at what has been happening for the past eight years. (Not good. Time for something different.)
You could sort of use this site as an example of what I’m talking about. I’ve been reading this site for a year, so I’m “informed” enough about it not to be offended by “motherfuckers.” :)
I’ve enjoyed reading all of your posts. Some of them fall right on their party lines, and others offer suggestions to become informed and make your own opinions (my favs). However, the post from LISE “I’m European and we are scared shitless about what the next US president will be” disturbed me… Why would you be scare of our president, no matter who wins? What do you think either one of these guys is going to do? I’m truly interested in your reasoning.
I love the incorrect use of you’re (when it should be your) in so many of the anti-Beet responses. Talk about ignorance! :)
Motherfucking AGREED, Beet!
Texas Gal are you really serious? The USA spends more on war than any other country on the planet. You guys have wars lined up for the future like airplanes on the runway waiting to take off. America is the single greatest threat to world peace in my opinion.
The world wants to know will the next president be a war monger that is controlled by the American war machine and oil tycoons like Bush and McCain?
By the way, the man who wrote Palin’s speech was Bush’s speech writer.
Mavericks my ass.,8599,1838808,00.html
btw: I should have said this much earlier today, but @MW – :-) thank you.
@ Texas Gal-
If you don’t realize at this point why people in other parts of the world are scared of us-you haven’t been paying attention. Bush began this war for personal reasons and has murdered thousands of innocent people in the name of it. (Innocent people goes for both US soldiers as well as civilians in Iraq.) People are scared because they have an outsider’s view of how war hungry Bush was, and they are frightened to imagine what could follow, (See: John McCain).
And frankly, YOU should be scared as well. If McCain wins, and something should happen to him-do you honestly want someone who hasn’t even led the tiny population of Alaska leading the entire country? Just something to think about.
Oh and I love Donkey Punch-sometimes it seems as though you are the only one with half a brain on this site.
I read the paper daily, subscribe to Newsweek and Time, watch political commentary in the evening, and read articles from various Internet sources, and honestly, I don’t feel like I know everything. Not even close. I think that’s very important — knowing that no matter what you’re told in this country, you don’t really know what’s going on. I try my best to follow along, but it’s a deceitful system. We’re probably never REALLY going to know what happens in many situations, which makes it more fun to gossip about in the first place. Isn’t that what MSNBC, CNN, and FOX News do all day and all night? It’s punditry. Right now, that’s American politics. When you put your opinion out there, you’re going to get comments from those who disagree urging you to put politics to rest and keep documenting Lily Allen’s stumbles. Luckily, I agree with most of your stances.
reading these entries i am stunned and slsightly sickened. in this day and age, in this country, anyone -democrat, republican or independant- who says “i don’t know how to get informed” on politics is a lazy, ignorant fucker and shouldn’t bother to vote anyway. what are you, living under the fucking taliban? living without tv, radio or internet, like the amish (who probably have a better grasp on politics than some on this board)? locked up in a closet with only the people magazine for your information? here’s a tip, slackers: save those votes for things you understand… like american idol, and leave the important votes to those of us who actually bother to do a little research. newsflash, asswipes: there are people in this world who are fighting their government to get information, and to vote in a real election, and some of those people are paying with their lives, and we have people in this country who actually whine that getting on the internet is too hard? you should be ashamed of yourselves.
@ Anonymous
“If you’re post is representative of the majority of Americans (which you claim are even less informed than you), I am deeply saddened by the number of ppl that have the ability and opportunity to educate themselves but choose not to delve beneath the sound bytes.”
Yes Anonymous, I used incorrect grammar in that sentence – it should have read “If your post…” You’re totally on to me Anonymous….. I made an error in the first (and last) post I will ever make here. I am totally ignorant. You win.
Bravo I love this artical. It’s just straight, honest, shootin’ from the hip.
But I like Monica more (I think she’s hotter) and I would love to see some pics of her doing bill in the oval office while smokin’ a cuban from the wrong end (wink).
I love you beet… and Donkey punch…sometimes ! :)
To quote a popular bumper sticker: “mean people suck”. You’re right on Beet, “a bit of all right”. I’m voting for the beauty queen if only to spite those you who hate so much. Semper Fi Beet!