Today's Evil Beet Gossip

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  • “ok remember, if the paparazzi ask you where you got those you say daddy gave them to you ok?”

  • Oh give her a break. I’ve got little ones and they’re always picking up my stuff out of curiousity. That’s why I leave the hard drugs locked up (just kidding!!). It must be hard living under such a microscope.

  • At least she is there to catch him. Imagine if he was out on the porch by himself with the smokes and lighter… I hate that she can’t have a normal life…It is normal toddlers to get into things that they know not to. Too bad that everything is caught on camera.

  • I completely agree about leaving her alone. Spend time around people with small children – you will see the parent having to grab any adult item out of their hands all the time. If anything, this picture shows that the belly roll the press keeps emphasizing on Britney is partially bad angle.

    Atleast she is setting limits for her kids, which is more than we can say for her parents!

  • happygirrrl Says:

    July 22nd, 2008 at 11:35 am
    Oh give her a break. I’ve got little ones and they’re always picking up my stuff out of curiousity. That’s why I leave the hard drugs locked up (just kidding!!). It must be hard living under such a microscope.
    Morning Sick Says:

    July 22nd, 2008 at 11:43 am
    At least she is there to catch him. Imagine if he was out on the porch by himself with the smokes and lighter… I hate that she can’t have a normal life…It is normal toddlers to get into things that they know not to. Too bad that everything is caught on camera.
    Andrea Says:

    July 22nd, 2008 at 12:20 pm
    I completely agree about leaving her alone. Spend time around people with small children – you will see the parent having to grab any adult item out of their hands all the time. If anything, this picture shows that the belly roll the press keeps emphasizing on Britney is partially bad angle.

    Atleast she is setting limits for her kids, which is more than we can say for her parents!

    I agree with both above posters. The other folks are obviously to young and ignorant to understand that kids pick up everything at that age. The fact that she’s in the public eye makes it harder for her to do the things most parents have to deal with on a daily basis. Grow up children.

  • Yeah I feel bad for her constant scrutiny too. There are millions of parents out there whose kids are EATING their cigarettes because they’re too negligent to notice, and they’re still completely under CPS’ radar. Britney’s on everyone’s radar so the fact that she left some cigs on the table AND caught the little guy just shows her for what she is – a normal human with abnormally shitty circumstances (the whole world spying on her).

  • Of course it’s normal for toddlers to pick up things they aren’t supposed to. However, Britney will never learn that because she chose to be a celebrity, she IS being watched all the time. I am so sick of celebrities bitching about how all they want is a “normal” life, and how they hate paparazzi, and blah blah blah. It’s like, “Oh I’m a celebrity, my life is so hard, boo-hoo.” Well guess what, you chose that life for yourself and you’re rich and famous so shut the F up. Also, I don’t care who you are, nobody should smoke around children, don’t be an irresponsible asshole and subject your kids to deadly secondhand smoke, not to mention the terrible example you’re setting for them. Britney Spears knows for a FACT that she’s in the public eye and is always getting her picture taken, yet she goes out in public in short dresses with no underwear and stands at the top of stairs, leaves cigarettes out where her children can access them, and has been known to walk into a gas station bathroom barefoot. She will never learn. And don’t forget, even though she may be getting better, which is wonderful, this is the same woman who just a couple months ago was talking in a British accent and holding her son hostage in her home. She is NUTS!!!!

  • i pretty much agree with what andrea and other similar post said…any kid will pick up anything their parents leave behind they like to explore and see whats going on but i think they just need to leave her alone..did you see the other pictures that went with this she took them out of his hands and stuff

  • Kelly is right! I’m on board with Happy Girrrl and Morning Sick. We are missing the big picture here. Brit Brit is spending time with her child. It wasn’t long ago that she wasn’t allowed to see her children without docs, dad, and attorney present.
    Rock it Brit!!!

  • I guess that is an improvement, with the at least she is there to catch him. But if it weren’t for her leaving them on that low table, she wouldn’t have to catch him. Ya think?

  • Cheese & Rice, you said “you chose that life for yourself and you’re rich and famous so shut the F up” I just wonder much choice she’s ever really had. She started VERY young. She may have said (in my best southern drawl) mama I wanna be a singer. But to be thrust into the public like she has been her whole life would VERY hard. If you really look at that pic, the pap that took it had to be in a tree a mile away.
    And I do think she did what any parent would do, she took them away. Yes, idealy she shouldn’t smoke at all, but once again, atleast she’s outside. I say cut her a little slack.

  • No one else has ever had a child pick up their smokes or beer or even iced tea being curious what mommy has?

  • My Mom smoked all my life and I don’t smoke and I grew up to be a normal person. Yes, I touched her cigs and even tried to smoke one but I am ok. Leave her alone!!

  • at least she was there and caught him. on the flip side, if she wasn’t smoking around him there wouldn’t have been anything to catch. but seriously, even if you put things up “high” the little buggers will find a way to get into things. they are extremely creative and agile when determined to be naughty.

    doesn’t k-fed smoke too? their poor little lungs! i hope they don’t have allergies or asthma.

  • > My Mom smoked all my life and I don’t smoke and I grew up to be a normal person.

    I am sorry Dee Dee but normal people don’t visit celeb blogs. You aren’t normal.

  • Shock horror!

    How many kids out there have picked up lighters/matches and burnt the fkn house down!

    Britz looks great in a bikini though .. after 2 kids .. bitch! ;)

  • Awwwww Britney even looks good again, im happy for her.

    Im a smoker and my kids would pick up my stuff every once in a while as well, i dont think theres anything wrong with Britney, she’s acting pretty normal lately and she even looks healthy, and im happy to know she’s spending time with the kids and everything.. They need to leave her alone, especially now that she’s finally trying to put her shit together..


  • “Mommy, I like the bong better than the spliffs” Let’s go to Daddy’s to get it.

  • Your right, 13 in Louisiana…but at least we’re not our brothers, sisters daddy, aunt, cousin. as it happens in your family…talk about keeping it in the family..enjoy the family “Raye”

  • I really do not find this to big of a deal. I saw a kid drink tobacco chew spit once, that was a big deal. I think Americans are wayyyy to conservative. My parents smoked, I’m not dead. I’m not saying I would smoke near my child but I’ve seen others do it.

  • Give her a break!! My son takes the but from the ashtray and tries to smoke. No matter what you do, children are always going to get their hands on stuff no matter if it is good or bad for them. I used to do the same thing as a child.
    Everyone is way too hard on her these days.

  • Before I quit smoking I always went outside away from my son. You know what happens? They folow you. By the looks of the photo she is outside having a smoke. Looks like someone was curiouse and followed her. I hardly think he is the first toddler in the world to do that. It is really just so ignorant to belittle her for something so common. Its not like she is in the car windows up smoking while he plays with the pack. She is outside which is what is recommended. If you must smoke take it outside. I think she is doing a great job. She has come so far in the last year.

  • Of course it is normal for toddlers to pick up everything they see. That’s why, if you HAVE a toddler, you don’t keep things in their reach that aren’t safe for them to play with.

    It’s very simple.

  • She’s getting the cigs OFF Sean after he’s picked them up! To all the smoking parents out there…u sure ur kids never picked up ur packet (EVER)?! She’s in the ‘privacy’ of her own home, what she does there is HER business! And its not like she’s beaten her kid or whatever! He’s picked up something to have a look! Kids are curious!

  • Toddlers are learning by exploring, that is their job. A parents job is to keep things like this out of reach. Duh.

  • “EVERY TIME I SEE A PARENT DO THIS I WANT TO VOMIT AND SOMETIMES I ACTUALLY DO TRY TO TELL THEM IN CASE THEY DO NOT KNOW.” As a smoker, I would like to say thank you to all the members of the Unsolicited Advice Brigade. Next is it going to become PC to walk up to someone who is overweight while they’re eating and tell them how unhealthy they are?

    Yeah, that really had nothing to do with Britney. Sorry :)

  • Beet, aren’t you still a smoker? And you’ve talked about adopting–are you going to quit before you adopt? You could easily find yourself in this same situation, minus the paparazzi cameras.

    And Dark Empress, I agree with you, but pipe down! You know all caps means shouting, right? Plus it’s hard to read. I actually thought you said “Every time I see a parent do this I want to vomit and sometimes I actually do.” That’d be a hell of an incentive to stop smoking, so you don’t get vomited on by some well-meaning stranger.

    But yeah, second-hand smoke is dangerous, therefore parents who smoke are irresponsible. It’s different than being overweight; to my knowledge, no kid ever got asthma etc, just from being around a fat parent.

  • I agree at least she is being responsible and trying to get them back. I mean she could have just given him the lighter too.

  • honestly…i don’t agree with the smoking around her kid. but it’s not like she gave the cigarettes to him to play with. he picked them up ans she took them away. same with the lighter :/ but, this is just normal crap that happens now and then. i mean, back before anyone knew any better my mom smoked around me, and i have, more than once, seen a pack of cigs on the table nearby. i don’t remember actively playing with them..but… just saying, this photo looks much worse than it is. everyone’s waiting for her to royally mess up, and she needs to be given to space to not be absolutely perfect. the kid picked up the box and she took it away. enough said. but put the cigarette out britney

  • @ Jessica .. picking up a pack is one thing .. but picking up butts? That’s just gross! Why is there a full ashtray laying around anyways?


  • “But yeah, second-hand smoke is dangerous, therefore parents who smoke are irresponsible. It’s different than being overweight; to my knowledge, no kid ever got asthma etc, just from being around a fat parent.”

    ermmm yeah sure no harms ever come from a fat parent except you know a fucking fat kid mnot being harsh or anything but the fatter the parent the more chance of teh kid being fat its been scientifically proven

    im still a teenager and i smoke infront of my brother and sister (young ones ) and not out of choice but they follow me out to my garden and they constantly are picking up my lighters and stuff

    its what kids do

    get over it yeah ?