Today's Evil Beet Gossip

We Interrupt This Celebrity Gossip to Bring You New Pictures of Leo

Okay okay. So I finally got a new cord to connect my laptop to my digital camera, after Leo ate the original one, and I'm just so excited about all the recent pictures I've taken of Leo that I have to post them before I do anything else. The one above is my absolute favorite picture of him ever. It was taken at the airport before we left for NYC. More adorableness below. Most of these pics are either from this trip or our road trip a couple weeks ago. [gallery]...

Jessica Simpson Eats at the Olive Garden!!!

My respect for Jessica Simpson just increased tenfold. Jessica eats at the Olive Garden. Anyone who eats at the Olive Garden is okay in my book. It's my favorite restaurant ever. Jessica and Tony Romo met up with Tony's family at the Olive Garden in Janesville, Wisconsin. Tony grew up in a nearby city and was in town to play in a golf tournament. Jess reportedly walked in holding hands with Tony and cuddled with him throughout the whole meal. Okay, okay. I guess they're rea...

Britney Is Sooooo Back!!!

OMG I love that Britney Spears is totally back in full force. I know -- I just know -- that she is going to finally make the spectacular comeback I so desperately wanted to see from her last year. Superproducer Rodney Jerkins reveals that he is currently in the studio with Britney, recording tracks for a new album that's planned for an early 2009 release. Says Jerkins: “I’m trying to reinvent her and myself. [The new sound is] very dancey, really uptempo, in the clubs, real ag...

Blame Jesus

So I come back from a lovely afternoon of wandering around NYC with my sister to see that Heidi Montag thinks she might release a Christian album. "I have been the most religious person since I was 2 years old. I always felt this crazy connection to God," says Heidi, who identifies herself as "kind of non-denominational Baptist." She's also planning on making a trip to Africa later this summer to "feed children and help build things." Sigh. My sister and I got fabulous spray ta...

The Office Is Back: With Webisodes!

Every time I see one of those stupid ads for that doomed Mel B/Joey Fatone crapfest, The Singing Office, I get sad that we're not going to get new episodes of The Office until the fall. But never fear! The cast has come together to film some short webisodes to tide you over until then. They'll premiere on July 10, but you can check out sneak previews here. />...

So Let’s Talk About Why I’m in New York

Okay so this was all super-secret until midnight EST today but now I can tell you guys. No, I'm not filming a series for VH1. Or launching a record label. Or a fashion line. It's actually the company that owns my website, RealNetworks, that's doing something cool this time. Tonight they're having a big fancy exclusive-style party to celebrate the launch of their new DRM-free Rhapsody music store. What does that mean? It means you can download music from their store in MP3 format and play it anywhere. Even on an iPod! Or on whatever other music player you have. They have agreements with all four major music labels and a ton of the indie labels, so there are 5 million tracks available, and most are priced at 99 cents a pop. The first 100,000 customers who sign up at get a free album. And you guys are hearing about this FIRST. Seriously. NOBODY ELSE KNOWS ABOUT THIS RIGHT NOW. So get your ass over there and sign up to get yourself a free album. There's gonna be a kick-ass music act at the party tonight, and I'll take a bunch of pictures and get all chit-chatty about it afterward. />Okay so this was all super-secret until midnight EST today but now I can tell you guys. No, I'm not filming a series for VH1. Or launching a record label. Or a fashion line. It's actually the company that owns my website, RealNetworks, that's doing something cool this time. Tonight they're having a big fancy exclusive-style party to celebrate the launch of their new DRM-free Rhapsody music store. What does that mean? It means you can download music from their store in MP3 format and...

So the Glastonbury Music Festival Was a Complete and Total Trainwreck

Seriously they should just rename this thing Chernobyl. It was a disaster. First of all, a slurring, wobbly Amy Winehouse punched a fan. Hard. Multiple times. Video is above. Then -- while drinking on-stage during her set -- announced that she is "not opening for a cunt like Kanye," prompting Kanye to get predictably bitchy on his blog. And Jay-Z's answer to Oasis frontman Noel Gallagher bitching about how hip-hop has no place at a rock festival was an opening performance of "Wonderwall," which is, of course, fucking awesome, and made even more so by the fact that neither Jay-Z nor the audience seems to know the words to anything but the chorus. That video is after the jump. Okay, and now for important things. I couldn't sleep tonight, so I took Leo on a little walk around the city. Let me tell you, there is nothing quite like dragging an adorable dog around Greenwich Village a few hours after the gay pride parade has ended. Leo was accosted by gay men, lesbians, transvestites and heteros, black people, white people, Asian people, Hispanic people, skinny people, fat people, young and old alike. Leo is equal-opportunity adorable. He could unite the whole world with his cuteness. Like, we would be walking past a group of teenage girls, half-drunk and cussing each other out all like, "Listen you bitch if you don't want me to beat yo ass down right here then don't you ever get up in my face again like ... OH MY GOD LOOK AT THAT PUPPY!" I'm telling you. Leo could save the whole world. The highlight of the evening was when I walked him past a uniformed NYPD officer and he said -- and I quote -- "That should be illegal, that dog is so adorable." It's Leo's first night in New York, and he's already OWNS this city!!! Read More /> Seriously they should just rename this thing Chernobyl. It was a disaster. First of all, a slurring, wobbly Amy Winehouse punched a fan. Hard. Multiple times. Video is above. Then -- while drinking on-stage during her set -- announced that she is "not opening for a cunt like Kanye," prompting Kanye to get predictably bitchy on his blog. And Jay-Z's answer to Oasis frontman Noel Gallagher bitching about how hip-hop has no place at a rock festival was an opening performance of "Wonde...

Will & Jada Are Starting a School

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith are two of the founders of a new private elementary school in Calabasas called the New Village Academy. The school will incorporate a teaching method developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard and employ some teachers who are church members, although students of any religious background will be welcome. Assuming they get accepted and can pay what is sure to be astronomical tuition. This Hubbard-influenced teaching method is called "study technology." It focuses on hands-on experience, mastering a subject before moving on and not reading past words students don't understand. The curriculum...