Naomi Campbell was released on bail on Friday after being arrested for spitting at a police officer at an airport.
Next stop?
Re. Hab.
Naomi’s been arrested more than once for shit like this, and she always gets off with a slap on the wrist. She’s never served a minute of jail time. But spitting on a police officer? God, I hope they throw the book at this chick. Her best bet at this point is to check herself in for some serious rehabbery, because I think it’s safe to say homegirl’s drinking again.
Oh baby she’s getting scary. I would curl up in a puddle of my urine and cry if she glared at me in the street.
Xie Xie.
Shes such a crazy bitch, she needs some prision tats already
What’s her appeal?
she’s out of her effin mind.
i think she just give a shit about the law or how civilized people carry themselves
she should be imprisoned, fined and banished from the public eye for a period of no less than forever. anger managed!
if she wasn’t a total bitch, she would be a nice girl
Naomi is mad as a hatter. Seriously, this woman is violent.
she is so fugly. look at her baby hairs, it looks like charlotte’s making a web on that greasy forehead…she is going totally bald from using all that hair connector glue and pricy horse racing reject hair. she is just gross!