Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Why Is OJ Back in Jail?


Because he should be, that’s why.

Because he’s motherfucking crazy.

OJ was ordered to have no contact (direct, indirect, via third parties, or even via “passenger pigeon” — I’m not kidding, it’s in the court transcript) with his fellow defendants, but he left a message with his bail bondsman, directing him to relay a message to one of them. The message was as follows:

“Hey Miguel, It’s me … I just want, want CJ [co-defendant Clarence Stewart] to know that the whole thing all the time he was tellin’ me that shit, ya know, I hope he was telling me the truth don’t be trying to change the mother fucking shit now, mother fucking assholes I’m tired of this shit. Fed up with mother fuckers changing what they told me, alright?”

So, even though none of that makes any sense, it counts as indirect contact via a third party, and OJ’s going back to jail for violating the court’s orders. Also, I think we’ve finally found someone who cusses with more frequency than I. That’s nice.

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