Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Yup, Jessica Simpson’s Recording a Country Album


After her film career crashed and burned (well, let’s be honest, it crashed and burned years ago, but she’s been hanging around the crash site, sifting through the rubble and looking for survivors), Jessica’s got a new plan: she’s recording a country album.

She’s been talking about doing it for awhile, but now she’s actually in a Nashville recording studio, laying down tracks.

“I am a country girl,” she says. “I grew up in Texas, and country music was what I listened to. I always wanted to wait until the time was right.”

Now is apparently the right time, as all other options have been ruled out. Seriously, it’s record a country album or go work at Walmart. Her options are a tad limited at this point.

For what it’s worth, Jess, good luck.

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