Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Your Daily Britney


The hard nipples really accentuate the cross around her neck, don’t you think?


Grabbing dinner in Cross Creek.

Image via WENN

14 CommentsLeave a comment

  • lol @ Aurora
    dude britney needs help
    like shes letting herself go
    k fed fucked her over man
    I hope she can get her shit togheter and soon
    like look at her sis being prego
    dude there fam needs physcological help
    for real………

  • Hey, I have that necklace! If that’s an Elsa Peretti cross from Tiffany, which it looks like.

    Oh, and I have those nipples too. That bitch!!

    She’s always trying to steal my look!!

    Merry Christmas, Beet! :)

  • Ya think she has a personal ‘nipple tweaker’ like J. Lo? ;) I don’t think she’d find someone who’d touch them!!! YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ew, even worse then her brass hard nips, look at her fucked up weave! her crack addict hair would have been even better than that shit…

  • don’t you think that her hair should have grown out at least enough to where she would not have to have a horrendous weave?

  • Yeah she’s nasty and she’s going down hill. But isn’t it funny how if she were to like O.D. and die tomarrow, you know the same people that talk shit about her would be the same people who would be like ,”OMG how did this happen? She was such a wonderful, beautiful person” just like they did with Anna Nichole. It just depends on what situation there in. I’m sorry to sound so Oprah, but even if the bitch did decide to turn her life around, we wouldn’t give a shit about her anymore. I bet it’s hard being a celebrity. People only give a fuck if they see that they can’t handle the fame we give them. Shitty.