I guess that’s the going rate for killing a 17-year-old kid while driving on a coked-up bender.
“I’m sick of my own behavior that night,” Garrison said in court. “This remorse is genuine. I feel it every day.”
I’d say the message here is don’t drive drunk, but you kids should already know that.
So the other message is, please, don’t get in a car with a drunk-ass D-list celebrity. If you’re gonna risk your life, at least find a damn B-lister.
“I feel it everyday”!?! That dumb fucktard. What about the parents who lost their child because of this asshole? Hope he takes it up the ass the whole time he’s in prison.
I’m from Germany,so at first I must apologize for my bad english ;)
I think he knows that it was wrong to drive on a coked-up bender.
But Paris Hilton,Lindsay Lohan & Co. are not better! They are also driven with the car when they were drunk! And all the people have forgiven them. So why should we not forgiven Lane? I think he should have the same right like paris & co. get! they were never in prison . they have made an exception because they are famous. Lane is also famous, and none of them,has more respect than he deserves!I know that this does not belong here, but that I have wrote the whole only here because I find Lane sweet is totally wrong! I stand at his side and support him, as fans also should do!