Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Happy Memorial Day Weekend: The Lindsay Lohan DUI Is Here

DUI Lindsay Lohan


The DUI five years in the making finally made its long-delayed debut on the very quietest of news days. Lindsay Lohan ran her Mercedes into a curb on Sunset early Saturday morning. There were two other passengers in the car at the time, and they were both taken — along with Lindsay — to a hospital to be treated for minor injuries, but only after Linds was cited on suspicion of DUI. She was released so that she could be taken to the hospital. I think, unfortunately, this means no mug shot.

Lohan will have to appear in court to answer the citation. I smell another stint in rehab.

Happy Memorial Day weekend, kids!

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Going to rehab is so 2 years ago…

    Now the cool thing for celebs to do is get DUIs.


  • I just can’t wait til the cool thing to do is roll around in your wheelchair because you’re a quadriplegic because you crashed your car because you drove drunk.
    Can’t hardly wait!!!!!

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