Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Apolo Wins!


From the beginning of this show (and my brief attempt to blog it until my roommates kept deleting it from DVR) I have been a huge fan of Apolo Anton Ohno. He started the show a novice dancer and thanks to his amazing partner Julianne he morphed into a dancing star!

Apolo, if you do not know, is an Olympic Gold Medalist in short track speed skating. I have always had quite a crush on my Apolo. I’m glad that now he will get some fame that he totally deserves.

I also really think that he and Julianne would make the cutest couple ever…most of the blogosphere does as well, but alas she is a good Mormon girl who will be marrying her sweetheart, a fellow dancer, quite soon. Apolo, however, is now free to date away in young Hollywood.

This has been the first time that I’ve followed a whole season of “Dancing With the Stars.” I think I used to make fun of this show but it is quite lovely. Congrats Apolo!

Laila Ali and Maxim did not win but that doesn’t mean I can’t post a picture of him shirtless. He really is quite the sexy dancer man.