Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Gettin’ a Little Too Old for This Shit


Ozzy Osbourne and Steven Tyler remind us why they used to be rock stars. Ozzy’s at the VH1 Rock Honors in Vegas, and Tyler’s at the Cove Atlantis opening. Rock and roll will never die, guys, but you will.

49 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Steven Tyler is the sexiest man alive! No matter what age, he will always be incredible!!! (can’t say the same for ozzy)

  • Both of these guys kick ass and at least they had talent compared to all the lame ass so called rock we have now a days…..still love em both…..

  • I.m sorry, but Steven still rocks.
    very sexy and a lot off impression in his face.
    Some people never grow old.
    You go Steve


  • Wow someone was way off! I guess whoever made this doesn’t own a tv because they would know Ozzy has a wife (who holds his ass together) and a loving family.

    Embrace age folks, you may mock them one day, but sooner or later you will be grabbing that cane or rascal scooter….

  • I wonder who wrote this…how can you even compare Steven to Ozzy?? Look at the 2 of them, a glimpse’s enough!!! And just take a look to Aerosmith’s last summer concerts…who can say Steve Tyler USED to be a rock star???? Can’t tell the same about Ozzy, though…

  • the girlfriend’s steven is tally, beautifully body but her face is so long and she seems darks.. steven is full of interventions to the face but he know still like being cute..he seems so sexy.

  • Wow. I bet it really hurts these legends to be put down by a website called the evil beet!! All 9 of YOUR fans must be proud. Why dont you post a picture of yourself?

  • some of us see the inside along with the outter casing. Both have rocked our world with thier lyrics, and melodies.
    Let us appreciate and respect them both in the same light as people who have made this place a little better to be in.

  • Ozzy Is The God Among Gods He Will Never Die He Will Forever Live In Are Hearts The Guy Could Out Do Every Single One Of You Fags Who Hate Him And Steven I Have Never Hear Of You So I’ll Just Say One Thing You Are Kind Of Saggy

  • Whoever wrote this sucks big time.

    I saw Ozzy last year and he played an AMAZING show, man. I was shocked at how much ass he still kicks onstage, he really is ageless (if you think otherwise you really should stay out of the conversation because you don’t know what you’re talking about-and you weren’t there)! And Steven Tyler’s a legend, he’s still the face of real American rock n roll and will probably always be. Rock nowadays is a mind-numbing, cruel parady of what it used to be, and I’m not some old **** reminiscing about the old days, I’m 18.

  • Ozzy kills and his music is ageless (black rain???? KICK ASS!!!!) and steven is amazing…Ozzy is better though…

  • neither are great looking but whats funny is whoever wrote this tasteless article lacking any real content probably isn’t half as good looking. and wont ever be 1/100th as sucessful. boy…jealousy is a m@ther …aint it?

  • What the FUCK!!! do you mean us to be rock stars?? I’ll always be a fucking rock star yo dumb fuck! I”M BETTR HEN FUCKING GOD AN SATAN you boody asshole. The next tim you pos something about me or anyone else make sure you ot our bloody fucking infrmation right!!


  • What the FUCK!!! do you mean us to be rock stars?? I’ll always be a fucking rock star yo dumb fuck! I”M BETTR HEN FUCKING GOD AN SATAN you bloody asshole. The next tim you pos something about me or anyone else make sure you ot our bloody fucking infrmation right!!


  • what the hell yall r all crazy if u think steven tylr is hot he is 1 of the most uglies men on the whole planet same with ozzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • what the hell,who ever thinks that steven tyler is sexy or anything like that is crazy!!!! he is 1 of the most ugliest men on this damn planet

  • HHHMMMMM…what the heck…steves…who in the world is he hanging out with?!hope its not the blondie…OZZY YOU ARE AWESOME…rock on man rock on!!!

  • You can say whatever you want to say about Mr. person-who-is-getting-all-the-attention-right-now!!!!!Still I would rather listen to Ozzy’s music than mr.tyler-person…so that i don’t get into a heck of a fight…steves is not sexy…but i’m not saying that he is ugly either!!he looks good or great whatever you want to call him…and why does ozzy have a wife any way oh well you’ll find out…SO all of you peeps just shut your stupid mouths up about steves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Althought the time’s passed and he’s already 60 years old, all girls love Steven Tyler.
    I’m 20 and I love him too…He’s too talented, brillant and sexy to matter about his age.
    Ozzy’s a legend.
    But he wasn’t a beauty even when he was 20.

    ROCK ON!

  • You are ugly, first you had to know how brush you ass before say that about Steven Tyler!!!! Steven Tyler it’s so hot, i love Steven Tyler, but i hate that blond bitch, Erin Brady, First: Because it’s his girlfriend and second: because she looks like uggly, dark, horrible witch. She is a bitch… I love you Steven Tyler! I’m your fan 1 from Paraguay! About Ozzy i don’t really care!

  • I think that Steven Tyler is hot and really awesome! And guess what im only 12! Ummm. Ozzy has problems, but he’s not that when it comes to singing. (His looks are horrible though) I don’t know that much about guys but I know a hotty when I see one.

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